Home News TikTok Embraces YouTube’s Playbook: Longer Videos and Horizontal Orientation

TikTok Embraces YouTube’s Playbook: Longer Videos and Horizontal Orientation

TikTok, a platform that soared in popularity with its vertical, short-form videos, is now embracing a major shift towards YouTube’s territory. This transformation is marked by two significant changes: the introduction of longer video formats and a pivot to horizontal video content.

Key Highlights:

  • TikTok now supports videos up to 30 minutes long.
  • The platform encourages the creation of horizontal videos.
  • Creators receive a viewership boost for horizontal videos over a minute long.
  • The shift aims to enhance monetization opportunities through ads.


TikTok’s Strategic Shift: Longer Videos, Bigger Stories

Initially, TikTok’s success hinged on quick, engaging short-form videos. However, the latest updates indicate a significant shift, with the platform now supporting video lengths up to 30 minutes. This change caters to a growing preference for more layered and serial storytelling among users. TikTok’s push towards longer videos is not just a feature update but a strategic move to enhance user engagement and provide creators with more storytelling depth.

Horizontal Orientation: A New Viewing Experience

In an unexpected turn, TikTok is encouraging creators to produce horizontal videos. This pivot from the platform’s signature vertical format aims to diversify the content landscape and align more closely with traditional video consumption patterns, much like YouTube. Creators adopting this new orientation are promised a boost in views, further incentivizing this format shift.

Enhanced Monetization and User Engagement

With these updates, TikTok is not only expanding its content repertoire but also its monetization capabilities. The introduction of longer videos opens avenues for more intricate ad placements like pre-roll and mid-roll ads. This approach aims to provide a more lucrative platform for creators and advertisers alike.

Out-of-Phone Advertising: Bridging Digital and Physical

An intriguing development in TikTok’s advertising strategy is the “Out of Phone” campaign. This initiative expands TikTok’s reach beyond the digital realm, allowing ads to be displayed in physical locations like billboards, cinemas, and other public spaces. This blend of digital and real-world advertising is a creative leap, offering marketers a unique avenue to engage with audiences.

Enhanced Attribution Metrics and Creative Tools

TikTok’s updates extend to improved attribution metrics for advertisers, providing clearer insights into how ad exposures contribute to conversions. Additionally, the platform has introduced mobile effect creation tools, empowering creators to produce innovative and engaging content directly within the app.


TikTok’s evolution in 2024 is marked by a significant pivot towards features reminiscent of YouTube, with extended video lengths and a new focus on horizontal video content. These changes reflect a strategic shift to enhance storytelling capabilities, monetization opportunities, and user engagement. With innovative advertising strategies and improved creative tools, TikTok is set to redefine the social media landscape.