We all know that the SOF Olympiads are extremely tough skulls to decipher and when it comes to Maths it becomes a dilemma of anxiety for every learner. For any scholar, qualifying IMO demands plenty of effort, as a learner needs to consecrate a lot of time and enthusiasm to understand and determine the Olympiad problems. It is often seen that scholars remain mistaken about ‘how to start equipping for the IMO exam and be exam ready?’. It depends on their position and smart equipment for the IMO exam. Here are 10 International Maths Olympiad Tips And Know-how to guide learners in their training for the upcoming IMO exam.
As IMO is just encompassing the corner you need to be equipped to work hard and be psychologically programmed for the exam. In SOF Olympiads, problems are trickier than conventional School exams. These exams actually examine your conceptual perception of the material.
Study material available online for IMO is intended to test and improve the Analytical Ability, Logical Reasoning skills, Visual/Perceptual experiences, and Pattern Recognition abilities of the learners in accordance with their age. The aspiration of this series is to build a mighty Intelligence Quotient (IQ) level in the beginning training stage of a pupil.
- Know your syllabus: Go through the IMO synopsis carefully and do not neglect any key features of it. A thorough understanding of the syllabus is required to cover every topic during your exam preparedness. It also makes navigating through each topic easy, finishing in the timely achievement of the establishment.
- Study Material: After a thorough study of the syllabus, get all the essential books and supplies for your arrangement. It is always essential that to get the right kind of books for your development. The chosen books must embrace all the content and issues relevant to the IMO syllabus. Online study material offers Earlier year’s papers, Workbooks, Olympiad Skill Development System, Mock Test Series to develop for SOF IEO Olympiads. You can refer to IMO Class 9 Previous Year Paper 2013 for more insight into the question paper.
- Proper timetable: Prepare a timetable or education schedule for your IMO education. A study program typically should involve 5 study days accompanied by a day for your evaluation (You can change the program according to your own requirements). You will have to adhere to the program for an outstanding time, i.e. until you are completed with your preparations.
- Having a distraction-free study session: Preparing for Olympiads requires an abundant amount of training which can only be accomplished through uninterrupted consistency in studies. Hence, select a private place for your study to counter any disturbances. Select a peaceful, tranquil place where you can train maths puzzles without any irregularities.
- Basic concepts from preceding classes: As you know Olympiad problems are all concept-based and objective types, so you necessitate to emphasize the fundamental theories in Mathematics of both present and former classes. Know how to strengthen your Mathematical concepts with a forward approach from previous study material, books, and publications. This series of books gives interactive exercises, DIY and HOTS problems in new and innovative pedagogy methodology, making studying smart and effective. After a quick revision of those concepts, you will be more than ready to face the problems, laid out in front of you.
- Previous Year Question Papers: With a piece of thorough knowledge about all the analytical concepts in each topic, now is the time to head start training with Olympiad problems. Exercise as many sample papers and Previous Years’ Olympiad problem papers as you can. Exercise enhances your problem-solving skills and readiness, and also strengthens self-confidence. Practice from Real Test Papers of IMOs and spontaneously downloadable e-Books of previous year’s records of International Mathematics Olympiad – Level 1.
- Self-Assessment: While training, you should perpetually go for a self-assessment test to calculate your area of forces and vulnerabilities. This will help you to realize how well you are in some stretches and where you need to put more energy. Refer to Olympiad Skills Development System (OSDS) to estimate your administration and learn about your misconceptions from the detailed clarifications implemented.
- Having the right mind: Once being academically qualified, you need to build the right mindset in yourself. ‘Being psychologically certain’- is the key to achieving well in any Olympiad. Hence, it is mandatory to carry an encouraging approach to score extraordinary in IMO. Read educational blogs to get suggestions to stay motivated, stay positive, exam tips, mental shuffles to solve analytical problems faster, etc. Check your notes, your administration indexes, read Maths Olympiad tips and methods, commencing a week from the exam. Analyze your concentration and vulnerability. Try refining your weaknesses to have a better result.
- Late-night study sessions: Dodge late-night study in order to do well. Decent sleeping is essential as it helps your intellect to retain any new knowledge and boosts your consciousness. Sleeping also aids to settle out any tension. It is desirable to relax and snooze well on the night before the real exam. Acknowledge it just like another exam and stay reclined.
- Obstinate body and mind: A concrete and fresh mind live in a strong body. Keep track of your eating habits and indulge in light yoga or workout practices in order to stay healthy. Regular exercising can also help in avoiding stress and maintaining a tranquil state of mind.
We hope these International Maths Olympiad tips and know-how will help you in qualifying for the forthcoming IMO Exam. You have to remember that qualifying for such exams is all about hard work and perseverance. There are no bypasses or alternatives on the way to success.