Home News Telegram Revamps Voice & Video Calls, Android Gets Thanos Snap Delete Animation

Telegram Revamps Voice & Video Calls, Android Gets Thanos Snap Delete Animation

Telegram, the increasingly popular encrypted messaging app, has rolled out a new update (version 10.5.0) packing a fresh visual overhaul for voice and video calls, alongside a cool new delete animation for Android users.

Key Highlights:

  • Redesigned UI for voice and video calls with new animations and dynamic backgrounds.
  • Improved call performance and resource efficiency.
  • “Vaporize” delete animation from iOS arrives on Android, resembling the “Thanos Snap.”
  • Enhanced bot capabilities with reactions, quoted-message interactions, and replies.


Revamped Calls for Smoother Communication:

Telegram’s core may lie in messaging, but its voice and video calling features, also boasting end-to-end encryption, are gaining traction. The latest update gives these features a visual makeover, replacing the previous static UI with dynamic backgrounds and new animations that adapt to the call stage (ringing, active, and ended). This refreshed design promises a more engaging calling experience, and Telegram claims it’s also lighter on resources, potentially extending battery life and improving performance.

Android Catches Up with the “Thanos Snap” Delete:

A popular feature from Telegram’s iOS app – the “vaporize” delete animation, nicknamed the “Thanos Snap” for its pixelated disintegration effect – finally jumps ship to Android. This animation replaces the previous fade-out effect when deleting messages, adding a touch of flair and, more importantly, confirming deletion with a satisfying visual cue.

Bots Get Smarter with New Tricks:

The update doesn’t just focus on aesthetics. Telegram bots, the platform’s versatile mini-apps, receive a significant power boost. They can now react to messages with emojis, interact with quoted messages, and even send replies, making them more responsive and interactive than ever before.

Behind the Scenes of the New UI:

More than just a visual refresh, Telegram’s revamped call UI utilizes a layered approach to animations and backgrounds. Instead of static images, the background subtly shifts depending on the call stage, adding a dynamic touch. The new animations are also optimized for efficiency, minimizing resource usage and potentially boosting battery life, especially on older devices. This focus on performance aligns with Telegram’s commitment to accessibility and inclusivity.

A Step Forward for Telegram’s Communication Arsenal:

With this update, Telegram continues to refine its offerings, emphasizing user experience and staying ahead of the curve in the encrypted messaging arena. The revamped calls, coupled with the playful “Thanos Snap” animation and smarter bots, solidify Telegram’s position as a feature-rich and engaging communication platform.

Looking Ahead:

Telegram’s commitment to continuous improvement shines through in this update. While enjoying the refreshed calls and animations, users can anticipate further call quality enhancements promised by Telegram throughout 2024.