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Tag: Tesla Cybertruck

Tesla Cybertruck Vandalism

Tesla Cybertruck Vandalism: A Rising Concern for Electric Vehicle Safety

Explore the recent surge in vandalism targeting Tesla Cybertrucks, including incidents of window damage and Supercharger station disruptions, highlighting the challenges facing Tesla and its community.
Tesla Cybertruck Deliveries Delayed

Tesla Cybertruck Deliveries Delayed: A Closer Look at the Challenges

Explore the latest updates on Tesla Cybertruck's delivery delays due to its unique windshield wiper design and production challenges. Get insights into customer reactions and Tesla's path forward.
Tesla Cybertruck Crashes Into Crowd During Donuts Attempt

Tesla Cybertruck Crashes Into Crowd During Donuts Attempt

Tesla Cybertruck crashes into crowd during donuts attempt at a public event, leading to injuries and sparking safety concerns. Investigation ongoing.

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