Home News Six Ways to Travel Smarter This Summer Using Google Tools

Six Ways to Travel Smarter This Summer Using Google Tools

Six Ways to Travel Smarter This Summer Using Google Tools

Summer is around the corner, and with it comes the excitement of planning your next vacation. However, organizing the perfect getaway can sometimes feel overwhelming. Fortunately, Google provides a plethora of tools designed to ease the stress of travel planning and enhance your experience. Here’s how you can leverage Google’s innovative features to travel smarter this summer.

Key Highlights:

  • Use immersive view on Google Maps for a photorealistic preview of your destinations.
  • Stay organized with Google Maps’ Recents tab on desktop.
  • Explore your surroundings with Google Lens, identifying landmarks, artwork, and more.
  • Discover local cuisine effortlessly with multisearch in Lens.
  • Navigate easily with AR using Live View on Maps, indoors and out.
  • Plan your trip interactively with Google Slides, Maps, and Sheets.

Explore Before You Go: Immersive View on Google Maps

Google Maps’ immersive view lets you explore places before you visit, offering photorealistic views of areas, weather predictions, and crowd information. This feature, available in cities like London, Los Angeles, and Tokyo, helps you make informed decisions about your destinations.

Organize Your Itinerary: Google Maps’ Recents Tab

The Recents tab on Google Maps organizes searched places by city, simplifying trip planning. Share your finds or save them to a list, streamlining the process of choosing where to go and what to see.

Discover with Google Lens

Google Lens turns your camera into an interactive exploration tool. Identify landmarks, artwork, plants, and animals simply by pointing your camera at them. This feature enhances your experience by providing instant information about your surroundings.

Local Cuisine at Your Fingertips: Multisearch in Lens

Multisearch in Lens helps you discover local foods by combining images and text in your search. Snap a photo of a dish or use a screenshot, add “near me,” and find restaurants serving your desired cuisine.

Translation is a Breeze

Don’t let language barriers hold you back. With tools like Circle to Search (on compatible phones) and Google Lens, instant translation is yours. Simply hover your camera over a sign, menu, or any text to see it seamlessly overlaid in your language.

Navigate with Ease: Live View in Maps

Live View in Maps uses augmented reality (AR) to provide directions with AR arrows, making it easier to navigate unfamiliar places. This feature is especially useful in busy cities and indoor spaces like airports.

Plan Like a Pro: Google Slides, Maps, and Sheets

Craft a compelling travel plan with Google Slides, exploring options and convincing travel partners with visually appealing presentations. Google Maps aids in discovering unique destinations, while Google Sheets keeps your itinerary, reservations, and expenses neatly organized.

Google’s suite of tools transforms travel planning from a daunting task into an enjoyable part of your adventure. By utilizing these features, you can embark on your summer travels with confidence, fully prepared to explore the wonders of your chosen destinations.


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