Samsung has announced the launch of Galaxy TabPro S with a 12-inch super AMOLED display with 2160×1440 resolution. The Windows 10 tablet will be available for sale starting from February 2016.
The new device integrates the core features of laptops and tablets into one single device with an external keyboard. You will be able to experience the full functionality of a notebook PC in a lightweight tablet.
Samsung revealed in a press statement that Galaxy TabPro S, will provide an optimum and productive mobile experience not possible in any other competing 2-in-1 devices.
The device balances the best of Samsung’s Galaxy Tab by integrating the features of Windows 10 to provide an advanced tablet experience with standard connectivity ports.
Samsung Galaxy TabPro S will be available in both Windows 10 Home and Window 10 Pro to suit various user communities.
The device will be a competitor for similar tablets manufactured by Microsoft, Micromax and Notion Ink.
Samsung Galaxy TabPro S features 6th generation Intel Core M dual core processor with a clock speed of 2.2GHz, 4GB RAM, 128GB storage and LTE in addition to a powerful 5200mAh battery. The device will also be available with an internal storage of 256GB.
The Galaxy TabPro S will be available in both Wi-Fi and LTE variants with a difference of 3 grams in the total weight starting from 693 grams, which we consider very high for a tablet.
Samsung disclosed that the device will be 6.3 millimetres thin and a full sized keyboard with touchpad will be included inside the package.
The keyboard is designed in such a way that the device can be placed in two different angles for optimal and clear viewing experience.
The processor included with the device consumes only 4.5W of power, which eliminates noise and also produces low heat. Samsung has not incorporated any fan inside the tablet.
The Galaxy TabPro S has the capability to charge completely in less than 3 hours and offers up to 11 hours of backup time.
Samsung will also release a multi-port adapter (HDMI, USB Type A & C) and Bluetooth Pen along with the tablet. However, these accessories are not bundled with the product package.