After disrupting the mobile service segment, Mukesh Ambani is gearing up to launch new Reliance Jio feature smartphones powered by VoLTE at Rs. 999 and Rs. 1500 within the next few days. If these two smartphones become a reality, then it will be a big boost to the efforts of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Digital campaign of cashless economy.
Although the budget friendly smartphones will not ship with full-blown Android, the upcoming phones will ship with rear and front-facing snappers. Moreover, the new VoLTE feature phones will be loaded with apps such as Jio Chat, Live TV, JioXpressNews and much more.
Reliance Jio budget feature phones to ship with Jio Money Wallet
According to rumors, Reliance Jio budget feature phones will also ship with Jio Money Wallet to promote cashless economy in India. Since the two phones are VoLTE compatible, you will be able to use Reliance Jio mobile service. The integration of VoLTE support in budget smartphones will be indeed a big bonus for users who are facing a cash crunch.
That being said, it needs to be seen as to how the forthcoming smartphones of Reliance Jio will function about speed and display. You need not have to expect high-end specifications. We expect the addition of a 4-inch display in Rs. 999 phone and at least 4.7-inch display in Rs. 1500 model.
Reliance Jio budget feature phones to do wonders due to simplicity
According to industry analysts, nearly 65 percent of the mobile phone segment (out of the total 1 billion) is dominated by cheap and inexpensive feature phones. This could be a valid reason for the Reliance Jio to embark upon a venture to launch inexpensive phones with 4G VoLTE connectivity. Moreover, the large-scale population is still not familiar with the usage of Android. Hence, new phones with the simple user interface at an affordable cost will do wonders for Reliance Jio.
Recently, Reliance Jio introduced the Happy New Year Offer, which provides access to 4G LTE connectivity including free voice and messaging services. The offer also enables you to experience the exclusive apps developed by Reliance Jio from within your handset. Previously, the company had provided the same services under Welcome Offer package, which was terminated on January 1. The current offer will end on March 31, 2017.
Based on complaints, TRAI had served a notice to Reliance Jio asking them about the launch of the new offer. The regulator had revealed a few months back that free offers can be provided only up to first 90 days. However, Reliance had allegedly flouted the norms by launching free offer for three months by cleverly introducing the offer under a new name.