realme, the most reliable smartphone service provider in India has announced the pre-booking of the recently launched realme Pad 2. The pre-booking is scheduled for 26th July from 12:00 AM (midnight) onwards on Flipkart and Buyers can avail of pre-booking offers of INR 500 coupon and INR 1500 Bank offers along with up to 9 months No Cost EMI on the realme Pad 2. Students can avail an additional INR 500 discount on Flipkart and
The realme Pad 2 introduces the biggest upgrade ever in the realme Pad series with a segment-first 11.5” 120Hz 2K display, resulting in a smoother and more comfortable experience. It offers an impressive improvement in its screen-to-body ratio compared to the previous generation, increasing from 82.5% to 85.2%. This enhancement results in a larger display area in proportion to the overall size of the device, making it the leader in its segment with the highest screen-to-body ratio. It is equipped with the largest 8360 mAh battery capacity in the segment and a segment-only 33W fast charge. In terms of storage, realme Pad 2 has the largest memory in the segment with up to 8GB+256GB. With the Dynamic RAM Expansion technology, realme Pad 2 can expand 8GB of RAM by up to 8GB to enjoy a 16GB-like experience. The realme Pad 2 comes with a significant upgrade in the software and is the first tablet to come with realme UI 4.0 based on Android 13 out of the box and will be available on, Flipkart, and mainline channels.
Offer details:
Product | Price | Offer | Offer Price | Pre-booking Date |
realme Pad 2 (6GB + 128 GB) | INR 19,999 | INR 500 Coupon+
1500 Bank Offer
INR 17,999 | 26th July – 00:00 hrs (Midnight) – 31st July
at Flipkart, |
realme Pad 2 (8GB + 256 GB) | INR 22,999 | INR 20,999 | ||
*Additional student discount of INR 500 on Flipkart and
*Users can avail of the pre-booking bank offer on ICICI, SBI & HDFC bank cards on and on SBI & HDFC cards on Flipkart with upto 9 months No Cost EMI |