Home News Pratham satellite built by IIT Bombay students to launch on September 26

Pratham satellite built by IIT Bombay students to launch on September 26

Pratham satellite

The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) is all set to launch Pratham satellite built by IIT Bombay students via PSLV-C35 launch vehicle on September 26. Exclusively designed and developed by the IIT-Bombay students, the satellite will launch on board PSLV-C35 vehicle. The satellite will blast off to the skies at 9.12 AM from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota.

In addition to Pratham satellite designed by IIT Bombay students, the PSLV also carry SCATSAT-1 and other co-passenger satellites from the US, Canada, Algeria. Moreover, the PSLV-C35 will also accompany with Pisat satellite, which is developed by a Bengaluru-based institution. With an expected lifespan of five years, the ScatSat-1 will be used to deeply study the ocean and weather-related trends.

SCATSAT-1 will be placed into 720km polar orbit

According to ISRO sources, the SCATSAT-1 will be placed into a 720-km polar sun synchronous orbit. However, the remaining satellites will be placed into a 670-km polar sun synchronous orbit. You should also note that the flight is renamed as PSLV-XL instead of mere PSLV like in previous launches.

ISRO carries out tests for fool proof mission

To achieve success for this complicated maneuver, ISRO had already carried out a series of tests to study the impact of crucial engines. Specifically, the launch team conducted shutting down and restart of the highly sensitive fourth stage engine of the PSLV vehicle. It will be the first time in the history that the highly-acclaimed four-stage PSLV will carry a wide range of satellites for placement in two different orbits.

SCATSAT-1 to carry out ocean studies

According to official sources, the SCATSAT-1 will carry out the ocean and weather-related studies. However, the 37th flight of the PSLV will carry co-passenger satellites belonging to Algeria, Canada, and the USA. The PSLV will also carry two satellites developed by Indian universities.

In a statement, ISRO disclosed that the SCATSAT-1 is a continuity mission for Oceansat-2 Scatterometer. The main aim is to provide wind vector data products for the purpose of weather forecasting, cyclone detection and tracking services to the users. It also carries Ku-band scatterometer which is similar to the one onboard the Oceansat-2.

The launch of ScatSat-1 comes within just 18 days of launching INSAT-3DR satellite via GSLV vehicle. On September 8, ISRO did a textbook precision launch of the advanced weather satellite named the INSAT-3DR. The satellite was equipped with most modern instruments and has an ability to study changing weather patterns. It will also help in the surface-level search and rescue operations. Meanwhile, ISRO released the first visuals of Earth captured by the INSAT-3DR satellite.