Panasonic today launched the Lumix S5 in India which comes across as the latest addition to its flagship ‘S’ series of high-performance cameras in the country. The Japanese company is describing the new Lumix S5 as a hybrid full-frame mirrorless camera that comes in a company and lightweight form factor.
Panasonic also added the Lumix S5 can be an ideal choice for both the experienced pro photographers and novice users. The camera is as adept in shooting videos as it is dealing with still shots. The price stands at Rs. 1,64,900 for body and Rs. 1,89,900 for kit commensurate to its performance.
Coming to the technicalities, the new Lumix S5 comes with a 24.2 MP 35 mm full-frame CMOS sensor. Panasonic said this allows for a wide dynamic range, besides enhancing sensitivity as well, which is made possible by sufficient light condensation. With the Dual Native ISO technology onboard, the new Lumix S5 is able to shoot images or video with almost zero noise.
Also aiding in the camera’s ability to record exemplary shots is its incorporation of advanced deep learning technology that provides for high speed and high precision auto focus for both still and video modes. This is achieved by the camera’s ability to quickly detect various human forms such as the eyes, face, head or the entire body. This ensures images of the highest quality but with the least involvement of the user.