It has just been days back that the OnePlus 9 series was launched in India and the smartphone has now spawned into a special version designed specifically for gaming enthusiasts. Named the OnePlus 9R 5G, the smartphone starts at Rs. 39,999 for the 8 GB + 128 GB model while the next higher 12 GB + 256 GB model is priced Rs. 43,999.
Under the hood, the OnePlus 9R 5G features a Snapdragon 870 chipset, which, the Chinese company said will allow for 12.6 percent better performance than its predecessor. That makes it a fit case for use in a gaming-oriented smartphone such as the OnePlus 9R 5G.
Heat management is an important issue for high-performance devices and OnePlus said the 9R 5G phone will have 14 temperature sensors onboard that would be keeping a tab on the temperate inside the phone. That said, it remains to be seen how the OnePlus 9R 5G performs in real life given that users of the OnePlus 9 Pro reported heating issues with the phone. The company responded to this saying a fix for the same would be made available soon.
The 9R 5G otherwise comes with a 6.55-inch Fluid AMOLED display having a 120 Hz refresh rate. Keeping things moving is a 4,500 mAh battery that is backed by the super-fast Warp Charge 65 tech for quick energy top-ups. The phone will also be having a quad-camera setup at the rear comprising of a 48 MP primary sensor that comes with OIS support.
Coming to the launch date, the OnePlus 9R 5G is slated to go on sale from April 14 for Amazon Prime and OnePlus Red Cable Club members. Others will have the opportunity to buy the phone starting April 15. The phone comes in shades of Carbon Black and Lake Blue.
Meanwhile, the company also announced the second edition of its popular mobile gaming tournament, Dominate 2.0 will kick off on April 15.