A new trademark filing discovered online suggests a possible name called Magic Toolbar for the OLED panel on the upcoming MacBook Pro. The new filing surfaces within a few days of launch of the new notebook on October 27.
According to Brian Conroy at The Trademark Ninja, the actual trademark was filed by a company called Presto Apps America LLC and it was named as Magic Toolbar. It could be the Cupertino-based giant’s name for the rumored touch bar panel on the MacBook Pro.
Trademark for Magic Toolbar filed at €16,000
Conroy reveals that Presto Apps was incorporated on January 22, 2016. The trademark application was filed quickly on February 5, 2016, at a cost of around €16,000. As per reports, the company also filed trademark filing for Magic Keyboard, Magic Mouse and Magic Trackpad along with the Magic Toolbar.
Magic Toolbar trademark filed by same lawyers who filed AirPods
Interestingly, the “Magic Toolbar” trademark application was filed by the same lawyers who applied for the AirPods trademark. This was discovered during the investigation of Presto Apps trademark applications in Canada, Indonesia, and Malaysia. If this report turns out to be true, we can categorically confirm that Presto Apps is indeed Apple.
Core feature of Magic Toolbar
The main attraction of the Magic Toolbar aka OLED touch bar on the MacBook Pro is its ability to dynamically change for specific apps that are open on the computer. Moreover, you can also expect integration of Touch ID into MacBook series. According to sources, the OLED panel was named as the Dynamic Function Row internally among Apple staff members.
It is being said that Apple has a potential to battle with any other company for using the word Magic in the trademark filing. Conroy believes that without any 100% assurance, no other company will invest a huge amount of money for filing a trademark with the term Magic.
By filing a trademark petition for Magic Toolbar well in advance before the actual launch of the product, Apple has virtually prevented any other company from being using the same term.
In all probability, the Magic Toolbar is all set to become part of the MacBook Pro expected to be launched on October 27. We wonder why the trademark was filed by Presto Apps America and not directly by Apple.
In addition to MacBook Pro, you can also expect the launch of refreshed versions of the MacBook Air, iMac, Mac Pro, and Mac mini during the ‘Hello again’ launch event on October 27.