Home News Microsoft Sales Copilot: October 2023 Updates and Enhancements

Microsoft Sales Copilot: October 2023 Updates and Enhancements

Microsoft Sales Copilot, a tool integrated within Microsoft 365 and Teams, continues to redefine the sales experience. With its advanced generative AI and customer data integration, it aims to streamline the sales process, allowing professionals to focus more on customer interactions. This October, Microsoft has rolled out a series of new features and improvements to enhance its functionality further.

Key Highlights:

  • Email Summaries now save to admin-configured record types.
  • Enhanced usability for Suggested Email Content.
  • Improved Connected Record Search with record type filter.
  • Power Platform admins set as Dataverse environment admins for Salesforce.
  • Integration with PeopleAI for enriched customer insights.
  • Meeting summaries now support Viva Topics.

Email Summaries to Admin-Configured Record Types:

Sales Copilot’s Email Summaries feature provides concise overviews of email threads, enabling sales professionals to quickly catch up and save essential context to the CRM. Now, these summaries can be saved to any CRM record type that has been set up within Sales Copilot by the admin.

Suggested Email Content Usability Improvements:

The Suggested Email Content feature has undergone usability enhancements. It now offers more intuitive messaging throughout its use, from upgraded placeholder text to clearer draft adjustment indications.

Enhanced Connected Record Search:

To make the user experience smoother, the Connected Record Search has been improved. Sales professionals can now filter search results by record type, making it easier to find the required record, especially when multiple record types are enabled within Sales Copilot.

Power Platform Admins and Dataverse:

For Salesforce CRM users, when the first user signs into Salesforce CRM from Sales Copilot, a trial environment is created in Dataverse. Now, users with the Power Platform admin role or Microsoft 365 global admin will be automatically set as admins for this environment, ensuring a smoother deployment experience.

PeopleAI Integration for Richer Customer Insights:

Understanding the customer is pivotal in sales. Sales Copilot’s new integration with PeopleAI offers relationship intelligence directly within the workflow. This integration provides crucial engagement and relationship insights when viewing contacts, opportunities, or accounts in Sales Copilot.

Viva Topics in Meeting Summaries:

Sales Copilot now supports the display of Viva Topics cards based on meeting transcripts. These cards provide a summary, associated documents, people, and more, offering sales teams the knowledge and context they need.


The October 2023 updates to Microsoft Sales Copilot emphasize Microsoft’s commitment to enhancing the sales experience. With a focus on usability, integration, and providing valuable insights, Sales Copilot continues to be an indispensable tool for sales professionals worldwide. Those interested in leveraging these new features can reach out to the Microsoft sales team or visit the product’s official webpage.