LG Electronics today announced a new addition to the LG V series smartphones; LG V30+. It comes with many innovative features like the first f/1.6 aperture camera lens, glass Crystal Clear Lens. OLED FullVision display and Cine Video Mode for movie quality videos. It further comes with all the necessary features of a flagship like wireless charging and Hi-Fi Quad DAC. LG V30+ is priced at Rs 44,990 and will be exclusively available on Amazon.
LG V30+ inherits most of the features from its predecessor; LG V30, and comes with some more advanced features. The display is the same QHD+ (2880 x 1440) FullVision display with minimal bezels around it. The smartphone this time is 8mm shorter and 3mm narrower than its predecessor; LG V30 and thickness is only 7.3mm.
The camera also has been evolved, LG V30+ features a 16MP standard lens shooter and a 13MP wide angle lens for smoother and sharp images. The main 16MP shooter features OIS for bright pictures and shake-free videos. The smartphone also features a powerful video capture capability called Cine Video Mode.
The LG V30+ is rocking the most powerful smartphone processor ever, Qualcomm Snapdragon 835. LG opted for this processor so it can support Google Daydream, high-end graphics games and all the VR apps and games. Expect for these; it features 4GB LPDDR4x RAM for multitasking and 128GB UFS ROM which expandable using a microSD card.
LG V30+ comes with Android 7.1.2 Nougat right out of the box, and LG will soon release the next version update for this device. There are lots of new features like the split view app mode, the floating bar for shortcuts and the Always on Display (AOD) which displays clock and notifications when the screen is locked.
LG V30+ comes with a 3300 mAh battery for more extended talk and standby time. The phone is also water and dust resistant with an IP68 rating. The LG V30 is available in two colors; Aurora Black and Cloud Silver. You can buy it exclusively from Amazon store at a price of Rs. 44,990.