Apple’s newly launched iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus reportedly have a hissing problem. The issue apparently triggers when the device is under heavy usage, eventually making the hissing sound also known as coil-noise made by the new A10 processor.
The problem was first spotted by 512 Pixels’ Stephen Hackket, who posted about the issue on Twitter and also shared a YouTube video of the same.
Following his tweet, others also took notice and responded saying that they’re facing the same issue. As early adopters and reviewers also stated that they could hear a hissing sound coming from the back of the smartphone when the phone’s new A10 Fusion processor is pushed while playing heavy games and using other demanding apps.
Apple declines to comment on iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus hissing sound issue
Though several reports also suggest this hissing sound is not just limited to Apple’s iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, as pretty much all devices make a similar sound when pushed, especially during high-intensity GPU/CPU usage. Apple has so far declined to comment on the issue, though we’ll keep you updated as soon as we hear anything from Apple.
Well, this isn’t the first time a newly launched iPhone has engulfed in some controversy. To recall, the iPhone 4 was in the headlines for the wrong reasons, when it was found to have reception issues. The issue began to attract negative publicity and the story became popularly known as Antennagate, forcing the company to offer free bumper cases to fix the issue.
And not to forget, the ‘bendgate’ fiasco, where some iPhone 6 Plus owners complained that the device was prone to bending even while in their pant pockets. Apple did come out with an official statement saying that only 9 iPhones had encountered the bending issue, regardless, it led to negative publicity and became one of the hot topics for the iPhone 6 Plus for all the wrong reasons.
Apple iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus Price
Apple launched the new iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus at its annual event on September 7. While they’ll be available in India starting October 7. The iPhone 7 starts at Rs 60,000 for the base 32GB model, goes up to Rs 70,000 for 128GB, and it’s 256GB model is priced at Rs. 80,000. While the iPhone 7 Plus starts at Rs 72,000 for the 32GB version, the 128GB version is priced at Rs 82,000, while the 256GB variant is priced at Rs. 92,000.
Besides, Apple has also announced price drops for the 128GB versions of the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus in India, along with the 64GB version of the iPhone SE.