Home News India bans Samsung Galaxy Note 7 in Flights

India bans Samsung Galaxy Note 7 in Flights

After several incidents of Galaxy Note 7 explosion across the globe, India too has taken a strict action considering the safety of its people. The Civil Aviation Ministry has issued a notice prohibiting the use of Samsung Galaxy Note 7 on board an aircraft.

The notice issued by the Indian civil aviation ministry says,

In the light of recent incidents involving battery issue with Samsung about its Galaxy Note 7 devices globally, travelling public and airlines are advised to ensure not to turn on or charge Samsung Galaxy Note 7 mobile phone on board the aircraft and not to stow them in any checked-in baggage.

A while back, Samsung recalled all Galaxy Note 7 units after several battery explosion issues across the country came to light. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission has also asked users of Galaxy Note 7 smartphones to keep their device turned them off and not use them, if possible.

Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Swap Program

In response to the issues, Samsung has extended a swap program where it is offering company’s latest smartphone in exchange for faulty Galaxy Note 7 smartphones. The company says that it has identified the fault and the shipment have been stopped.

Samsung’s other smartphones are also facing the same issue. Today, we learned about a case in Ohio where the Galaxy S7 Edge exploded inside the trouser pocket. Daniel Ramirez, an Amazon employee and the owner of the smartphone, has issued a lawsuit against Samsung for its smartphone burn causing second and third-degree injuries. It is the first time Samsung has been sued over a battery issue with one of the handsets.

Samsung Battery Issue Tarnishing Company Image, Gain for Apple

The whole defective battery issue has gained media attention. Samsung has been a trusted brand in the smartphone arena, and this issue has tarnished the image of the company to some extent. Surely, the Galaxy Note 7 sales will be affected, but the effect may be seen in the sales of previously released flagships as well.

Samsung’s Galaxy Note 7 flagship failure has come as good news for Apple. The Cupertino-based giant has started accepting pre-order for iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, and Apple Watch Series 2. The Jet Black iPhone 7 pre-orders have already crossed the maximum limit in the US, which will be shipped by October or November. The recently launches Apple products will hit Indian shores on October 7.