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Indian Scientists should evolve technologies to benefit common man says Dr. Harsh Vardhan

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Technology must be relevant to the common man. This was the views expressed by Dr. Harsha Vardhan, who was speaking to media in Bengaluru at the Raman Research Institute on Friday. He urged the Indian scientists to do research and develop technologies that will cater to the needs of the common man. Researchers should try to fathom the gap between cutting edge scientific development and the common man.

Harsh Vardhan said that a mechanism must be evolved, which focused on time frames to achieve targets and to develop driven industry technology. Time is an important factor in the commercialization of any invention. The invention must reach the common man in shortest possible time.

Harsh Vardhan feels that Indian scientists must play the role of a facilitator or catalyst and create technologies that could help every citizen of the country.

Harsh Vardhan said that he had great faith in the abilities of scientists and urged the federal government to release more money for research and development.

It is not for the first time a BJP minister is laying emphasis on the development of technology.

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Earlier, Harsh Vardhan was speaking at the 12th International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Science in Panaji and said that Indian scientist should become more creative, and the direction of research must be such that it benefits the common man.

Harsh also said that there are 350 million people who are below the poverty line, and scientists must develop technology to improve the living standards of these people.

The welfare of the common man must be uppermost while developing technologies. The gestation period for any technology to reach the common man must be shortest.

Harsh Vardhan said that summoning endowed Indian scientists should join hands to develop laboratories that will focus its resources on developing specific lines of inventions. A mechanism must be evolved which develops driven industry technology.

Nitika Munshi

Nitika is an MCA graduate and works as an all-around news writer at PC-Tablet. In free time, she works on Photoshop and plays GTA V on her Xbox. A tech-enthusiast at heart, she explores ways that businesses can leverage the Internet and move their businesses to the next level.

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