Home News Hackers of Ashley Madison threaten to expose 37 million users

Hackers of Ashley Madison threaten to expose 37 million users

The popular extramarital affair website, Ashley Madison is in the limelight after being hacked recently. Hackers have obtained the personal information comprising of email ids, mobile numbers, address, images, etc. and are threatening to expose all the 37 million users to public.

The website with the famous tagline “Life is Short, Have an Affair” hosts public and private chat rooms for members based on their subscription plans. The hackers under the name ‘The Impact Team’ say that they will expose the profiles and sexual fantasies of all the site users.

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Millions of users, both married and unmarried, from all over the world use the site for different reasons. Ashley Madison claims to delete the full profile of users for one-time fees of $19 or GBP15. Last year, the company earned $1.7 million in revenues for deleting full profiles of its customers. However, the hackers say that it’s a complete myth as the site doesn’t delete any personal and purchase information like name, credit card number, address, etc. from its database.

Avid Life Media, the owner of Ashley Madison website, replied to these allegations saying a team of engineers was working towards improving security hitches.

It’s the popularity of the website that has drawn over 1.2 million attached and married Britons to it. Since the news of Ashley Madison came out, all of them have been under immense pressure and tension. But if their identities are revealed, they are likely to lose the trust of their beloved family members.

The hacker group demands Avid Life Media to shut down the site immediately, or it will release names, address, explicit photos, credit card details and other information of all the 37 million subscribers.


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