Home News Google Inc expands a set of privacy controls, unveils a new FAQ...

Google Inc expands a set of privacy controls, unveils a new FAQ website

Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOGL) has expanded a set of privacy controls for its users on Monday. The company also revealed an FAQ based site that answers most common inquiries in light of expanding concern over how the company gathers and uses its huge measures of information.

Users have possessed the capacity to control a set of privacy settings for a considerable length of time or years, for example, when it comes to saving web browser and location history, which is additionally utilized as a part of targeted advertising.

In fact, dealing with the controls is befuddling and lengthy in light of the fact that the settings are in different places over the web that are not simple to discover.

Users will now make use of My Account that gives a privacy as well as security checkup, or records where individuals can confirm which information they need to be public and private.

Google’s new FAQ site is aimed at answering most common questions, for example, whether the company offers individual information to advertisers and what data they get access to.

Information control has turned out to be progressively imperative to users as a large set of user activities are driven by the Internet every day.

In 2013, Edward Snowden leaked classified documents that demonstrated the U.S. National Security Agency was eavesdropping user privacy with the help of companies that have huge measures of information, for example, Google, Facebook and Apple.


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