Home News Google AdSense introduces Page-Level Ads, a new Ad format for publishers to...

Google AdSense introduces Page-Level Ads, a new Ad format for publishers to monetize Mobile traffic

Google AdSense has introduced a new type of Ads format for publishers today. The new format called Page-Level Ads is still in beta and has made available for select AdSense Publishers only. The new Ads formats allow the publisher to add two new, different kinds of Ads unit primarily targeting the mobile visitors.

The new ads format will appear only when someone will visit the publisher’s website on a mobile device.

Google AdSense Support Page says,”Page-level ads are a family of ad formats that offer a new and innovative way for you to monetize your content. With Page-level ads, you place the same piece of ad code once on each page that you want to show the ads. Once you’ve added the code, AdSense will automatically show Page-level ads at optimal times when they’ll perform well for you and provide a good experience for your users.”

The new ad formats are anchor/overlay ads and vignettes.

Anchor/overlay ads are mobile ads that stick to the edge of the user’s screen Users can easily dismiss them at any time.

Vignette ads are mobile full-screen ads that appear between page loads on your site. The ads are displayed on leaving a page, rather than on arrival and users can choose to skip them at any time.

Publishers can use these Ad Units along with the other 3 ads per page limit. These ads will be displayed on mobile-optimized sites only.

According to AdSense tutorial, you only have to place a single ad-code snippet in the <head> section of your website to make it work correctly on all of the pages of a site.

Google AdSense hasn’t given any figure, but they claim that the new ad units are optimized to help increase the revenue of the publishers.

If you’re among the few early users of this program, do share your performance report with us.



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