Home News Fujifilm Sues Eastman Kodak Over Processless Printing Technology Patent Violations

Fujifilm Sues Eastman Kodak Over Processless Printing Technology Patent Violations

Fujifilm Sues Eastman Kodak Over Processless Printing Technology Patent Violations

Fujifilm has filed a major lawsuit against Eastman Kodak, alleging patent infringement in Kodak’s production of processless lithographic printing plates. Fujifilm claims that Kodak is using patented Fujifilm technology without authorization. Litigation is taking place in both the US and Europe.

Key Points of the Lawsuit

  • Fujifilm holds four US patents central to the processless lithographic printing plate production process.
  • Fujifilm alleges Kodak’s Sonora X and Sonora XTRA lines violate these patents.
  • The lawsuit seeks financial compensation and may aim to block sales of the Kodak products.
  • This US case is mirrored by a European case regarding similar patents.

What are Processless Printing Plates?

Lithographic printing is a widespread commercial printing process. Traditionally, creating the printing plates required chemical development – processless plates eliminate this step, saving time, resources, and reducing environmental impact.

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Fujifilm Seeks Protection of Innovation

Fujifilm’s statement emphasizes their commitment to safeguarding their research and development investment. The company intends to strongly defend its intellectual property on the global stage.

Eastman Kodak has not yet released a formal statement in response to Fujifilm’s lawsuit.

Implications for the Industry

The outcome of this case could have significant repercussions in the printing industry. If Fujifilm succeeds, Kodak may need to alter or withdraw their Sonora product lines. This highlights the vital role that patents play in protecting innovation and driving competition in the technology sector.


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