The online e-commerce platform Flipkart has announced that it is coming up with the year’s biggest sale, the Big Billion Days sale in the country. This will be the third edition of the sale where Flipkart will be offering great deals on a vast range of products including smartphones, televisions, home decor, home appliances, and more. The Big Billion Days sale starts from October 2 and will last for five days.
Flipkart plans to give close competition to Amazon India with discount deals and exclusive partnerships. Kalyan Krishnamurthy, head of category design announced, “This year, our key focus is to ensure maximum value to our consumers by making quality products affordable and accessible. Great offers and exclusive partnerships will give our customers more options to choose from, and our innovative consumer finance, delivery, and installation for large electronics and product exchange programs will only add to the customer delight this festive season.”
The company said that the sale would see some new products launches, exclusive brand partnerships, and stellar deals. Besides, there will be no cost EMI and product exchange offers as well. It’s a great time for sale as the festive season would begin in India from next month. The company is expected major revenue from this sale. This is another big sale from Flipkart after the Flipkart Freedom sale.
The combined efforts of Krishnamurthy and Bansal are now showing results. Earlier, Flipkart gained criticism in terms of customer satisfaction, but now it has regained its reputation.