Milky Way is a habitat to many strange fast stars. Scientists have discovered that the fastest stars could have come from a different galaxy. The bizarre stars linger around the Milky Way galaxy and close to two dozen have been discovered travelling at great speed of over 1,000km in a second. Other average stars in the galaxy move at the quarter of that speed.
The astronomers in 2005 found another star similar to the Milky Way. Normally, the stars in the galaxy including the Sun usually move at a speed of 800,000km per hour. However, the latest star travels three times faster than the existing stars at a speed of about 2.5 million kilometers in an hour.
The earlier astronomers discovered more than 20 fast-moving stars which are known as the Hypervelocity stars. It was just recent that they found out their originality. The first study on the stars was compiled in a paper in 1988 that predicted the presence of the hypervelocity stars in the galaxy. It was stated that the stars started out as the binary star system which got closer to the Supermassive Black Hole found at the center of the Milky Way.
The black holes regularly capture one star at a time and pull it into a tight corner of the orbit at an enormous speed while others are pushed away. In the latest discovery, researchers at the Institute of Astronomy at Cambridge found out that the fastest stars originate from entirely separate galaxy other than the Milky Way. These stars are simply runaways from another dwarf galaxy that orbit around Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC).
The fast-moving stars are part of the binary system created in the smaller galaxy before the twin exploded. The ejecting force of the hypervelocity stars was much greater that it enabled the stars to overcome the gravitational effect of the dwarf galaxy leading them into the Milky Way galaxy. The new study is led by Douglas Boubert and his team at the Institute of Astronomy at the Cambridge. According to them about 75% of the hypervelocity stars were ejected at a high speed from other galaxies that orbit in the LMC.