Home News Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg advocates universal internet access policy at United Nations

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg advocates universal internet access policy at United Nations

A day before 31-years old entrepreneur meets Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the importance of Internet access to communities prompted Facebook CEO – Mark Zuckerberg advocate universal Internet access. Internet penetration in the developed countries has been above satisfactory level since 1900’s.

But still half of the world population doesn’t have reliable access to the Internet, which is a dynamic tool for learning, building an education today.

Zuckerberg’s Universal Internet Access Policy

Speaking at the United Nations (UN), Facebook founder issued a ‘connectivity declaration’ seeking support from philanthropists (Bill and Melinda Gates), TV celebrities, singers and dignitaries like German Chancellor Angela Merkel in an effort to ensure Internet access for everyone globally by 2020.

According to the declaration signed by Mark Zuckerberg when people have access to the tools and internet knowledge, they have access to opportunities that make their life better as well as others.

The connectivity campaign also calls on governments, businesses and innovators to bring the internet to the some 4 billion people that still, largely remain out of Internet reach and do not have any reliable access to it.

Later, while addressing the luncheon at the United Nations, Mark said, Internet is more than just a network of machines; it is the key driver of social and economic progress in our time.”

On Friday, 193 UN member nations formally adopted a set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) for promoting shared peace and prosperity by ending poverty and combating inequality and climate change over the next 15 years.

Internet access could benefit United Nations’ newly adopted agenda to combat global ills by connecting communities via Facebook.

When communities are connected and have access to learning, education. As such, ideas can be influenced, and life made better. This in turn, would create opportunities, lift communities from poverty and promote peace and prosperity.

As a departure from the normal behavior (wearing hoodie), Zuckerberg, appeared in a suit and tied at the United Nations.


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