Home News Deepin 23 Embraces Windows 11 Aesthetic, Offers Linux Alternative with Familiar Feel

Deepin 23 Embraces Windows 11 Aesthetic, Offers Linux Alternative with Familiar Feel

Deepin 23 Embraces Windows 11 Aesthetic, Offers Linux Alternative with Familiar Feel

Deepin 23, the latest version of the popular Chinese Linux distribution, has made a bold design choice by closely mirroring the look and feel of Windows 11. The move has generated significant buzz in the tech community, with users and reviewers praising the operating system’s aesthetic appeal and functionality.

A Familiar Face for Linux Users

For those familiar with Windows 11, transitioning to Deepin 23 will feel remarkably natural. The centered taskbar, rounded window corners, and translucent design elements are all present, creating a user interface (UI) that is both modern and instantly recognizable. However, Deepin 23 is not merely a Windows 11 clone. It retains its Linux foundation and incorporates unique features that set it apart.

Under the Hood: Linux Power, Windows Polish

While the UI may resemble Windows 11, Deepin 23 runs on the Linux kernel, offering the stability, security, and open-source benefits that Linux is known for. The operating system comes with a suite of pre-installed applications, including a web browser, office suite, and multimedia tools. It also features its own Deepin Desktop Environment (DDE), which provides a cohesive and polished user experience.

Who is Deepin 23 For?

Deepin 23 is an attractive option for several groups:

  • Windows users: Those looking to explore the Linux ecosystem without sacrificing the familiar Windows aesthetic will find Deepin 23 to be a comfortable starting point.
  • Linux users: Existing Linux users seeking a visually appealing and modern desktop environment may find Deepin 23’s UI refreshing.
  • Users prioritizing privacy: Deepin 23, like many Linux distributions, prioritizes user privacy and avoids the data collection practices often associated with commercial operating systems.

Deepin 23: Still Under Development

While Deepin 23 is in the Release Candidate (RC) stage and is considered stable for everyday use, users should be aware that it is still under active development. Minor bugs and compatibility issues may arise, particularly with niche software or hardware.

The Future of Deepin

The release of Deepin 23 signals a new direction for the distribution, one that embraces a more mainstream aesthetic while staying true to its Linux roots. Whether this move will attract a broader audience remains to be seen, but early indications suggest that Deepin 23 is a compelling alternative for those seeking a Windows-like experience on a Linux foundation.



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