Chapter-wise weightage of NEET syllabus

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For the proper preparation of any examination, a strategy has to be made beforehand so that you can achieve the target in less time and without fail. NEET is a medical examination that needs devotion and proper guidance, the competition is increasing every year to the next level. This article contains the NEET Chapter Wise Weightage, which can be helpful in many ways.

What is NEET?

The full form of NEET is the National Eligibility cum entrance test is a medical examination that is conducted all across the country. Through this examination, students can get admission in both governments as well as a private college for further medical study. The exam is now conducted under the supervision of the NTA that is a national testing agency. The admission is for the undergraduate. The exam has 3 sections, biology covers the major portion that is half of the paper. A total of 720 marks can be achieved of which 360 is of biology and the rest is divided equally between physics and chemistry.

Chapter-wise weightage

As already mentioned a detailed analysis of the syllabus is most important for proper preparation. This will help you prepare a daily schedule and strategy that will help you get a good rank so that you can land in your dream medical college. So let us look at the weightage of each section in NEET.

Physics weightage

It is generally observed that it is comparatively difficult for students to achieve good marks in this section. Unless they have a good practice of all types of questions that may be asked. So to ease the process of preparation for this section, try to sort chapters according to the weightage and try to focus more on important chapters. In this, you have to solve a variety of questions so that you gain more confidence in the subject. If we look at the paper of 2020 and do a proper analysis we will observe that from class 11, the major portion was from mechanics to be precise 12 questions were asked. Next was heat and thermodynamics which has 5 questions and only a single question was asked from the wave chapter.

Now if we talk about class 12 electricity and modern physics were the important chapters with 9 and 8 questions respectively. After that magnetism chapters cover 6 questions and as we talk about optics there were 4 questions. So, with this analysis, you can easily prepare a study schedule and follow them so that you cover most of the important topics.

Chemistry weightage 

Now talking about the chapter weightage, the overall weightage of this subject is equal to physics. And it has been observed that you can score a lot better in this section with a little practice, so it should not be ignored. If we broadly classify the subject and their weightage they are inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry with 19, 15, and 16 questions respectively. Now, let us look at the chapter-wise weightage in this section. In physical chemistry, the major part of the question came from sloid states, states of matter, electrochemistry, kinetics, and solution. The rest of the part of physical chemistry contains just 1 question. In inorganic chemistry chemical bonding plays an important role with 5 questions after the s, p, d, and f blocks with either 2 or 3 questions. As you must be knowing how important is organic chemistry in this examination. All the chapters on organic chemistry are equally important but hydrocarbon and carbonyl compounds are given a little more weightage. Even after this, it is advised that the entire organic chemistry should be properly studied as they are interconnected.

Biology weightage 

Now comes the main part of this examination, the one that covers half of the syllabus of the examination. In this, we will see the subject into two parts that are botany and zoology. First, let us look at the botany section plant physiology and cell cycle are the two major chapters of class 11. Apart from this structural organization of plants and diversity of life have 5 questions each. When it comes to class 12th chapters genetics and ecology are the major chapters with 7 questions each and then comes the reproductory chapter. Now let us look at the zoology section, human physiology from class 11 and animal husbandry from class 12th are the major chapters. Apart from this biomolecules and animal kingdom are the next with 6 and 5 questions respectively. Human disease, reproduction, and evolution comprise 4 questions each in the paper. Then comes the structural organization of animals with 2 questions.

Some of the tips that can help you gain more marks

As now you know the pattern of the paper, you must study in a smart way that will take less time but will produce great results. For this examination, you have to devote your entire year in a proper way, avoid distractions, and comparison to feeling good. Exercise, meditate, and eat healthy so that your retention power increases and you can be more energized the entire day. Don’t slack in any way, if needed take a small as well as a long break so that your mind can be refreshed. Everyone has their own pace of picking up things but you have to remember that you have to give your best and never give up. Try to solve as many questions as possible and revise on a regular basis so that the concepts can be recalled in the examination.


This exam requires a lot of hard work dedication but with the right strategy and by the analysis of the paper in the proper way, things can be achieved in comparatively less time duration. This article must have given you a detailed insight on the chapter-wise weightage, which has been made by a pepper analysis of the paper. Next year the pattern shall remain somewhat the same. Therefore, analyze this properly and work hard for the college you want to land in.

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Anand Deb

Anand is a social geek blogger and tech enthusiast. He loves writing about technology and photography. He specializes the field of Internet Marketing and interested to dig deeper into the world of media and social networking.