BlueStacks Twitch integration brings mobile game streaming via BlueStacks TV

BlueStacks Twitch

The U.S. based company Bluestacks, well known for its BlueStacks Android emulator, announced its integration with Twitch that is a live video streaming platform to bring mobile games and content to users through BlueStacks TV.

BlueStacks currently has more than 130 Million user database. Twitch claims 1.7 million broadcasters worldwide and it is considerably the biggest deal of the company yet with Bluestacks.

The latest broadcasting function of BlueStacks is an added advantage for users to stream. A Hearthstone player from Ukraine Aleksandr Malsh said, “The simpler streaming becomes and the more games that are easy to stream, the better for the whole ecosystem.”

BlueStacks believes that streaming a mobile game was never easy, and multiple devices i.e. tablet, a webcam, and wires needed to be involved. A dedicated button has been added to its platform for Twitch to play games on bigger screen.

According to Mark Zhang, developer of the popular game Castle Clash, streaming Castle Clash is complex on phones, however, after this move it will be easy for users to stream it directly on Twitch.

BlueStacks is a Silicon Valley-based company, was designed to enable the facility to run Android applications on PCs and Mac. The company also has offices in Delhi, London, Tokyo, Seoul and Ho Chih Minh City.

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Nitika Munshi

Nitika is an MCA graduate and works as an all-around news writer at PC-Tablet. In free time, she works on Photoshop and plays GTA V on her Xbox. A tech-enthusiast at heart, she explores ways that businesses can leverage the Internet and move their businesses to the next level.