Home News BeScene: A Networking Revolution for Filmmakers

BeScene: A Networking Revolution for Filmmakers


The film industry is notorious for its tight-knit circles and the difficulty newcomers face when breaking in. Now, BeScene, an app inspired by Tinder’s swipe-based approach, aims to change that. BeScene seeks to level the playing field, opening doors for filmmakers at all levels to connect and collaborate more easily.

Key Highlights

  • Tinder-like interface: BeScene makes networking simple and intuitive.
  • Focus on accessibility: The app targets low-budget, student, and emerging filmmakers.
  • Streamlined connections: Find the right collaborators based on role, project type, and location.
  • Direct communication: Minimal barriers and no extensive resumes required to connect.


What is BeScene?

BeScene is a mobile app designed specifically to facilitate networking within the film and media industry. It draws inspiration from the ease-of-use found in popular dating apps like Tinder. Users create profiles highlighting their skills and interests and then swipe through potential collaborators. If both parties express interest, a “match” is made, and they can start communicating directly.

The Need for Change

Filmmaking is highly collaborative, but finding the right crew members or creative partners can be daunting. Traditional job boards or networking events often favor those with established connections. BeScene aims to address this issue by making the process more accessible and inclusive.

More on BeScene’s Features:

  • Customization: The app allows for a high degree of profile customization, letting users specify details about their experience level, desired budget ranges, preferred genres, etc. This helps create more meaningful matches.
  • Location-Based Filtering: BeScene encourages collaboration locally. Users can filter matches based on proximity, ideal for finding crew members or organizing local productions.
  • Project Board (Potential): A dedicated space where users can post project ideas or announce open positions on their film projects.

Key Features

  • Profile Creation: Users showcase their role (director, cinematographer, actor, editor, etc.), experience level, and the types of projects they’re interested in.
  • Swipe-Based Discovery: BeScene presents potential collaborators in a card format. Users swipe right to indicate interest and left to pass.
  • In-App Messaging: Once matched, users can communicate directly within the app to discuss potential projects and collaborations.
  • Network Management: A dedicated section to keep track of established connections within the app.

The Vision Behind BeScene

Founder George Armistead envisioned BeScene as a solution to the challenges faced by independent and aspiring filmmakers. The app’s goal is to democratize the filmmaking process, making it easier for talented individuals to find each other and bring their creative visions to life.

The Future of Film Networking

BeScene represents a shift in how film industry professionals connect. By simplifying the networking process and prioritizing accessibility, it could foster a more vibrant and diverse community of filmmakers. While the app is still in its early stages, it has the potential to significantly impact how films are made in the future.

Unique Opinion

BeScene is a welcome disruption in an industry that often relies on who you know rather than what you can do. While building connections will always require real-world effort, apps like BeScene can open initial doors and make those crucial first introductions less intimidating. The potential for uncovering undiscovered talent and facilitating exciting collaborations is what makes this concept worth keeping a close eye on.

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