Home News Apple’s iPhone 15 Pro Action Button: A Recycled Bixby Key?

Apple’s iPhone 15 Pro Action Button: A Recycled Bixby Key?

Apple’s iPhone 15 Pro has been making headlines for its new Action Button, which replaces the traditional ring/vibrate switch. The Action Button is a customizable button that can be used to launch apps, take screenshots, or activate other features.

However, some critics have pointed out that the Action Button seems to be a recycled version of Samsung’s Bixby key. The Bixby key is a dedicated button on Samsung phones that launches the Bixby voice assistant. However, many users have complained that the Bixby key is underutilized and often gets in the way.

How the Action Button works

The Action Button on the iPhone 15 Pro works in a similar way to the Bixby key. By default, the Action Button toggles between ring and vibrate modes. However, users can customize the button to launch any app or perform any action that they want.

To customize the Action Button, users go to the Settings app and then tap on Accessibility > Touch > Side Button. From there, users can choose what they want the Action Button to do when they press it once, twice, or three times.

For example, users can choose to:

  • Launch the camera app by pressing the Action Button once.
  • Take a screenshot by pressing and holding the Action Button for a second.
  • Activate Focus mode by pressing the Action Button twice.
  • Open a specific app by pressing the Action Button three times.

Is the Action Button just a recycled Bixby key?

Whether or not the Action Button is just a recycled Bixby key is a matter of opinion. On the one hand, the Action Button and the Bixby key both serve the same basic purpose: they are customizable buttons that can be used to launch apps or perform other actions.

On the other hand, there are some key differences between the two buttons. For example, the Action Button is in a more prominent location on the iPhone 15 Pro than the Bixby key is on Samsung phones. Additionally, the Action Button is more customizable than the Bixby key.

How users are reacting to the Action Button

So far, user reactions to the Action Button have been mixed. Some users are excited about the new customization options that the button offers. Others are concerned that the button will be underutilized, just like the Bixby key.

Only time will tell how popular the Action Button will be with iPhone users. However, it is clear that Apple is trying to offer more customization options to its users.

Important information in bullet points

  • The Action Button on the iPhone 15 Pro replaces the traditional ring/vibrate switch.
  • The Action Button is a customizable button that can be used to launch apps, take screenshots, or activate other features.
  • The Action Button can be customized to launch any app or perform any action that the user wants.
  • Some critics have pointed out that the Action Button seems to be a recycled version of Samsung’s Bixby key.
  • User reactions to the Action Button have been mixed so far.

The Action Button on the iPhone 15 Pro is a new feature that offers users more customization options. However, it remains to be seen how popular the button will be with users. Only time will tell if the Action Button is just a recycled Bixby key or if it is a genuinely useful new feature.