Home News Apple Pencil’s Evolution Highlights Samsung S Pen’s Underrated Value

Apple Pencil’s Evolution Highlights Samsung S Pen’s Underrated Value

The tech world is abuzz with the latest iteration of the Apple Pencil, a stylus that has become synonymous with the iPad experience. However, as the spotlight shines on Apple’s newest offering, it’s essential to recognize the value and versatility of Samsung’s bundled S Pen, which has been a staple for Galaxy Note and Tab users for years.

Key Highlights:

  • Apple’s new Pencil boasts improved latency and compatibility with various iPad models.
  • Samsung’s S Pen offers versatility with both smartphones and tablets.
  • The S Pen’s response rate and drawing experience rival that of the Apple Pencil.
  • Price points differ significantly, with the S Pen often bundled with devices.

Apple Pencil: The Latest and Greatest

Apple recently introduced its new Apple Pencil, available for purchase separately at $79. This stylus is compatible with all iPad models featuring a USB-C port, including the latest iPad, iPad Air, and iPad Pro versions. The second generation of the Apple Pencil has notably improved its pen latency to 9ms, ensuring a smoother drawing and writing experience, especially when paired with the iPad Pro’s 120hz refresh rate.

Samsung’s S Pen: An Underrated Gem

While the Apple Pencil has garnered much attention, Samsung’s S Pen has quietly offered a robust and versatile experience for its users. One of the standout features of the S Pen is its compatibility with both tablets and smartphones. Unlike Apple, which has yet to release a Pencil for the iPhone, Samsung has consistently bundled the S Pen with its Galaxy Note series, emphasizing its commitment to enhancing the user experience across devices.

Moreover, the S Pen boasts an impressive pen latency of 2.8 ms, combined with Samsung Galaxy Tablets’ faster refresh rates, resulting in a drawing experience that rivals that of the Apple Pencil. The S Pen also offers Bluetooth connectivity, and the S Pen Pro variant can switch frequencies, allowing it to work with multiple devices.

Price and Inclusion: A Point of Differentiation

A significant point of contention between the two styluses is their price and inclusion with devices. The Apple Pencil is priced around $90, while the Samsung S Pen is often bundled with devices or available for around $30. This price difference, coupled with the fact that Samsung often includes the S Pen with its devices, underscores the value proposition offered by the Korean tech giant.

Drawing and Writing: A Comparative Look

When it comes to the actual drawing and writing experience, both styluses have their strengths. The Apple Pencil’s blunt tip contrasts with the S Pen’s pointed tip, which can result in sharper strokes on the screen with the latter. However, this largely depends on individual drawing styles. Additionally, the S Pen offers two kinds of tips, while the Apple Pencil comes with one, providing users with more customization options.

In Summary:

The introduction of the new Apple Pencil has undoubtedly brought advancements to the stylus market. However, it’s crucial to recognize the consistent value and versatility offered by Samsung’s S Pen. With its impressive latency, compatibility with multiple devices, and often bundled inclusion, the S Pen stands as an underrated gem in the world of tech accessories. As the stylus market continues to evolve, consumers will benefit from the innovations and competition between these tech giants.