If rumors are to be believed, the upcoming Apple MacBook Pro will ship with major changes. While confirming the revelation of a previous report for a third party analyst, Cult of Mac has claimed that they have obtained images of the possible aluminum casing. We verified the leaked image available on Twitter and found it to be that of a 13-inch MacBook Pro chassis.
On the bottom right side, we spotted few Chinese characters starting with UA8 coupled with the bottom of the internals of the touch pad. The white markers on both sides of the touchpad most probably indicate left and right touch buttons.
While we can see few connectors embedded on the left side, the same set of white-colored connectors on the right-hand side is not clearly visible. Moreover, the alphabets on the keyboard are not at all clear except few on the left-hand side, which bears Chinese characters.
Interestingly, the function key that occupies the topmost row slot was missing. This clearly indicates a recently surfaced report that the upcoming MacBook Pro will be shipped with an OLED touch bar instead of standard function keys.
However, if Apple decides to integrate the bar on the display, we can then expect an additional button on the keyword, which when pressed enables you to select function keys from the display. If Apple decides to go this way, you can expect the addition of a touch display.
There is another possibility where Apple will integrate an icon on the Max OS X desktop to help users to select a particular function key with either touchpad or mouse.
The leaked image also showcases a pair of speaker grills on the top of the keyboard. Currently, the 13-inch MacBook Pro accommodates the speaker vents on the bottom of the display hinge.
In the case of the 15-inch MacBook Pro, you can spot the speaker vents on the left and right side. The attempt by Apple to integrate speaker grills on either side of the keyboard in the upcoming MacBook Pro is seen as a step in right direction.
On the hardware front, the new MacBook Pro will ship with four USB-C ports on both sides and a headphone jack on the right side. The device will follow the same pattern like that of its previous counterpart by not including a DVD drive. However, Apple continues to sell the 13-inch non-Retina MacBook Pro with the drive.
We can also expect improvements related to display and sometimes it will have a coating to protect against scratches and fingerprints.
With the possibility of showing off the new MacBook Pro at the upcoming Worldwide Developer Conference on June 13, the device will be officially launched along with the iPhone 7 in September.