Home News Apple Extends Emergency SOS via Satellite Service for iPhone 14 Users

Apple Extends Emergency SOS via Satellite Service for iPhone 14 Users

In a surprising move, Apple has announced that it is extending the free trial of its Emergency SOS via satellite feature for iPhone 14 users by two more years. This means that anyone who activated their iPhone 14 before November 15, 2023, will now have access to the service for a total of four years.

Key Highlights:

  • Apple extends Emergency SOS via satellite service for iPhone 14 users by two more years.
  • The service allows users to contact emergency services without a cellular or Wi-Fi connection.
  • The feature has been credited with saving lives in its first year of operation.

How to Use Emergency SOS iPhone 02 connect

Emergency SOS via satellite was first launched with the iPhone 14 last year. The feature allows users to contact emergency services even when they are out of range of cellular or Wi-Fi coverage. To use the feature, users simply need to point their iPhone at a satellite in the sky and send a message to emergency responders with their location and situation.

Apple has said that Emergency SOS via satellite has already helped save lives in its first year of operation. The company has cited a number of examples, including the case of a man who was rescued after his car plummeted over a 400-foot cliff in Los Angeles.

Apple’s decision to extend the free trial of Emergency SOS via satellite is a welcome one. The service has the potential to save lives, and it is important that it is available to as many people as possible.

Apple’s commitment to safety

Apple has a long history of prioritizing safety in its products. The company’s devices are packed with safety features, such as Find My, which allows users to track down their lost or stolen devices. Apple has also been a leader in developing car safety features, such as CarPlay, which allows users to control their iPhone hands-free while driving.

Eligibility and Activation:

The extended free trial of Emergency SOS via satellite is available to all iPhone 14 users who activated their device before November 15, 2023. This includes users in all 16 countries where the service is currently available: United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Ireland, Spain, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia.

To activate the Emergency SOS via satellite service, users will need to update their iPhone to iOS 17 or later. Once updated, they can initiate an emergency SOS call by holding down the side button and the volume up or volume down button simultaneously until the Emergency SOS slider appears. Then, swipe the Emergency SOS slider to start the process.

Emergency SOS via satellite is just the latest example of Apple’s commitment to safety. The service has the potential to save lives, and it is a valuable addition to the iPhone 14.