Acer launched the Predator Triton 700 gaming laptop in India for Rs. 2,99,999. It comes with 15.6-inches 1080p Full HD display and is powered by the 7th generation Intel Core i7-7700HQ processor. The Acer Predator Triton 700 will be available in India from Acer Exclusive Stores and authorized online stores.
The laptop sports a 15.6-inches (1920 x 1080 pixels)Full HD IPS LCD display and is powered by the Intel’s latest 7th generation i7 processor with 16GB DDR4 RAM that is upgradeable up to 32GB coupled with two 512GB NVMe PCIe SSDs. The Acer gaming laptop features LED backlighting, 300-nit brightness, 120Hz refresh rate, and is VR ready for better gaming experience. It also packs Acer’s AeroBlade 3D metal fans with better AirFlow compared to the regular fans and Nvidia’s Max-Q technology.
Connectivity ports are Wi-Fi 802.11ac with 2×2 MIMO technology, Bluetooth v4.1, Thunderbolt 3, 2XUSB 3.0 ports, 1XUSB 2.0 port, an HDMI 2.0 port, one DisplayPort connector and a Gigabit Ethernet port. The company says that it can deliver up to 5 hours of battery life. The Thunderbolt 3 supports up to 40 Gbps and dual 4K video output. It comes with RGB mechanical keyboard.
Mr. Chandrahas Panigrahi, CMO, and Consumer Business head, says,
Acer has the widest range of gaming PCs and with every launch of a new gaming laptop, we make sure that the experience is more immersive. Gamers looking for a sleek design with uncompromised power will find the Triton 700 to be the perfect machine. With an ultraslim form factor, it is one of the few Notebooks that was truly built from scratch keeping in mind philosophy of delivering the maximum performance in the Slim and light Package offering Maximum Efficiency.