WhatsApp for iOS 2.16.12 has been updated with Snapchat-like doodle feature within days after pushing a similar update for Android users. According to sources, the new feature updates the native camera integration within the app. This will enable you to work with enhanced camera features such as the ability to write text, doodle and add emojis to images or videos.
The new features look similar to that of what is implemented in Snapchat. After the update, you can add creativity to not only your images but also by adding content to recently snapped videos.
To work with this new feature, you need to open the camera within WhatsApp to snap a picture or select your favorite from the gallery. After you select a picture, you will notice editing tools on the top-right hand side of the selected image. You can also do the same thing after capturing an image.
After that, you will be able to make use of the newly implemented features to add fun to your images. If you want to apply the features to videos, you have to go through the same process.
WhatsApp for iOS 2.16.12 has added a wide range of new emojis to enable you to convey and share your feelings and thoughts. It is possible to add numerous lines of content in different colors and fonts to the image. Once you refresh your handset with the update, you can scribble anything atop the images before sending it to your loved ones.
The latest update, available in Apple App Store doesn’t include the front-facing flash or easy zoom functionality feature introduced in Android.