Google has announced the availability of the latest version of Chromecast and Chromecast Audio in India for Rs. 3399. Manufactured in a sleek design with loads of fresh content supplemented by an updated app, the new Chromecast enables you to stream faster and easier compared to the previous counterparts. With the help of Chromecast Audio, you will be able to plug in the device to external speakers to stream radio, podcasts and music over Wi-Fi.
Commenting on the launch, Mickey Kim, Head of APAC, Chromecast disclosed that the new device brings your favourite entertainment from your mobile devices to the big screen with ease since it is equipped with improved connectivity, new design, and an updated app. The new Chromecast Audio, however, enables you to enjoy favourite music, podcasts and radio from anywhere. Kim stated that the streaming will be the future of entertainment and Chromecast brings it all to you in a simple and affordable device.
The new Google Chromecast has been designed to provide support for the latest Wi-Fi standards and automatically adapts to changing Wi-Fi conditions in the home environment, ensuring higher quality video with less buffering. Moreover, you will be able to access TV shows and music via Netflix, Hooq, Eros Now and YouTube including a wide range of single and multi-player games like Angry Birds Go and Just Dance Now.
To work with Chromecast Audio, you just need to plug-in the device into your existing speakers to listen to music, radio and podcasts over Wi-Fi including support for Saavn and Wynk Music. Furthermore, the multi-room capability integrated into the device provides an ability to connect multiple speakers easily.
Google, along with Chromecast devices, also released an updated version of the app which offers the capability to search content across a wide range of compatible apps in addition to providing personalized suggestions and customized searches.
The Google Chromecast and Chromecast Audio are available from Flipkart, Snapdeal, Paytm, Reliance and Chroma retail stores for Rs. 3399.