Apple just launched its latest iPhones- iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. The devices will be available for pre-order in the US from the 9th of September. The smartphone comes packing the powerful latest quad core A10 processor
Several rumours have been confirmed and some rejected by this big unveiling. The two biggest rumours confirmed are that the lightning port will act as the audio jack and the smartphone is water resistant.
Starting off with the build, Apple has taken lead from the 6 and 6S and gone with a non-edgy finish which is buff in nature and not glass (glass finish ended with the 5 series). The body has a protective oxide layer. To put it in simple words, the back features a jet-black high gloss finish on the stainless steel. The camera on the back for a change is raised, adding to a build change. Other colour variants include: just black, gold, rose gold and silver.
The home button is almost the same, except for one special ability: iPod controls. The controls are force sensitive.
Coming to one of the biggest bits, the 3.5mm audio port is gone and the lightning port also acts as the audio port. This design complements another big feature inclusion: water resistance (one less entry point for water). The IP67 standard protection ensures that the level of water resistance is as good as it gets for a smartphone. The biggest disadvantage of removing the audio port is that one can not use the earphones while charging. However, Apple has an expensive bypass to this: the $157 AirPod allows users to connect via bluetooth and listen to audio.
The hardware developments include a 12MP rear camera with Optic Image Stabilisation and F1.8 aperture. The flicker sensor and live photos just add to all. The only difference between the iPhone 7 and 7S is that the latter has two rear camera- one for wide angle and the other for telefocus.
Overall, Apple has stuck to a routine set of upgrades, besides the rumour confirmations. But, how much the device lives up to its expectations, is only for initial market feedbacks to tell.
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