Xiaomi Mi VR Play headset with zipper design and anti-reflective lens has been launched at Rs. 999. Launched as part of the Mi Pop event in Mumbai, the Xiaomi Mi VR Play headset will be available via a flash sale on December 21 at 12 PM. Xiaomi has confirmed that the availability of stocks is very less and will be given on priority basis.
Xiaomi Mi VR Play headset features a unique two-way zipper design. According to company sources, the design enables you to easily insert and remove a smartphone into the headset. Moreover, it will also ensure that the handset does not fall from the Mi VR Play headset.
Compatible with Google Cardboard, the Mi VR Play headset enables you to easily view 360-degree YouTube videos and Mi Live VR livestreams. Furthermore, the headset provides full support for Google Cardboard Camera app, which enables you to capture VR-centric images.
Xiaomi has manufactured Mi VR Play with Lycra material. The headset ships with dual front openings for slight positioning adjustments and ventilation. During the launch event, the new headset is completely compatible with handsets ranging from 4.7-inches to 5.7-inches. The company reveals that the headset will be able to work with not only Mi Note but also iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus.
Xiaomi Mi VR Play flaunts an anti-reflective lens for exceptional image clarity. The optical-grade aspheric lens integrated with the Mi VR Play headset provides a tolerance interval of 0.01mm, which is very high compared to other competing headsets.
The embedded silicon button inside the headset ensures direct contact with the relevant connected smartphone. The Chinese-based company also introduced non-slip pads into the VR headset.
During the Mi Pop event, Xiaomi also unveiled Mi Live, which is a live video streaming app. You will be able to view all the forthcoming product launches of Xiaomi through the newly released app.