Home News Why we should be now worried about increasing Air Pollution and its...

Why we should be now worried about increasing Air Pollution and its Hazards

The greater part of us have grown up finding out about the dangers of air pollution and the hard  hitting truths and substances around it. We are, then again, simply revealing the gravity of the circumstance. A late study led by Greenpeace, inside five unmistakable schools crosswise over Delhi, discovered the air quality to be  to a great degree undesirable.

The study asserted that the particulate matter 2.5 (PM2.5) levels were discovered to be four times as far as possible recommended in India and ten times as endorsed by the World Health Organization. There is nothing truly like opening the door and breathing new, clean, air—however, how clean is the air around us at this moment? Unless you are a researcher with a science lab readily available, there’s no genuine method available for discovering the fact.


[quote_center]The study asserted that the particulate matter 2.5 (PM2.5) levels were discovered to be four times as far as possible recommended in India and ten times as endorsed by the World Health Organization.[/quote_center]

The polluted air we are sucking up through our nose could be gradually slaughtering us, the World Health Organization indicates. According to them, around two million individuals die prematurely from the impacts of polluted air each and every year.


According to a Wikipedia page, Air pollution in India is very much a genuine issue with the significant sources being fuelwood and biomass smoldering, fuel contaminated, vehicle outflow and traffic congestion. At the time of Autumn and winter months, substantial scale a crop buildup blazing in farming fields – a minimal option to mechanical working is a noteworthy wellspring of smoke, smog, and particulate pollution.


Air pollution related infections cause 3.2 million deaths overall consistently. This has expanded from 800,000, last assessed by GBD in the year 2000 – an astounding 300 per cent increment. Around 74 million healthy life years are lost every year. In South Asia, air pollution has been positioned quite recently underneath blood pressure, tobacco smoking, indoor air pollution, poor intake of fruits and diabetes.

In 2010, particulate air pollution in Asia prompted more than 2.1 million unexpected losses and 52 million years of healthy life lost, which is 66% of the overall trouble. Killer open air adds to 1.2 million deaths in East Asia where monetary development and mechanization are assuming control, and 712,000 deaths in South Asia, which is at the take-off stage. This is much higher than the consolidated toll of 400,000 in EU 27, Eastern Europe, and Russia.

Air pollution hangs in the air lowering

[quote_box_right]As the level of air pollution is reaching new heights, it is becoming very difficult for people to lead a healthy life, let alone patients with respiratory diseases.[/quote_box_right]

As a major aspect of its dedication to conveying significant advancement in individual wellbeing and prosperity, Philips recently conducted a bloggers and media meet in New Delhi to spread awareness about the danger we all are causing. Up to thirty times more  deadly than outside air pollution, Indoor Air Pollution is disregarded despite the fact that individuals spend around  85% of their time inside.

Speaking at the occasion, Dr. Ashish Jain, Senior Consultant, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Max  Super Specialty Hospital, New Delhi said, “As the level of air pollution is reaching new heights, it is becoming very difficult for people to lead a healthy life, let alone patients with respiratory diseases. The quality of life for the ones with allergies, skin diseases, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorders (COPD), Asthma and other respiratory disorders is impacted severely on poor indoor air quality that causes further distress. It is imperative to control air quality indoors to help improve the lives of those suffering. Good indoor air quality can help prevent such hazards from occurring or worsening.”

Do you know what you are breathing?

Perceiving the requirement for compelling measures to battle indoor air pollution and guarantee healthier breathing, Philips Air Purifiers are intended to battle the most well-known, yet just as unsafe, toxins at home. According to the most recent report on global Environment Performance Index (EPI) 2014, India has slipped 32 positions to rank a modest 155, a blatant demonstration of the debasing condition of air health in India. WHO studies uncover a strong connection between poor indoor air quality and Non-Communicable illnesses that cause up to 63% of worldwide mortality. In New Delhi, this level is dependent upon ten times higher than the WHO guidelines.


[pull_quote_left]The Philips Air purifiers come with patented VitaShield IPS technology with multi-level filtration that can remove up to 0.02 microns pollutants keeping the air 99.97% allergen free. [/pull_quote_left]

Commenting on the occasion, Ms. Jayati Singh Chakraborti, Business Head – Air, Philips India said, “We  understand the concerns that arise with an increasing rate of air pollution. As a health and well-being   company, we offer solutions that let you control the air you breathe and ensure your family breathes in   healthier air.

The Philips Air purifiers come with patented VitaShield IPS technology with multi-level filtration that can remove up to 0.02 microns pollutants keeping the air 99.97% allergen free. Philips is urging people to switch to a healthier lifestyle with the Philips Air Purifiers and be a ‘Pure Air Lover’.”


While there is nothing pervasive that one can do to effect the open air pollution, Philips is putting the force of keeping up the health of our friends and family at home, back in the user’s hands with the Philips Air Purifier. The Philips Air Purifiers utilize a four filtration framework to clean the air in a room, for more noteworthy results and has markers that alarm the client about sullied air and channel changes.

Beginning from dividing the substantial particulate matter noticeable all around from dust, animal dander and so on in the initial two channels; the last two filters widely clean the better impurities noticeable all around up to ‘.02 microns’, disposing of unsafe gasses and smells and leaving the room new and free from any allergens for ‘Immaculate Air Lovers’ to experience more secure and healthier indoor air quality.

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