WhatsApp has reportedly integrated a new feature with which you will allow users recall and edit messages posted on the messaging platform. According to WABetaInfo Twitter handle, the company has added ability to edit messages sent messages with WhatsApp Beta for iOS platform. However, the option will be disabled by default and under active development. If you are using WhatsApp, you will soon be able to view options for edit and recall of messages.
You should note that only recent messages can be edited and not the old ones, which you posted previously. If you posted any messages after installation of the update, you could edit them.
As of writing this, this feature is available only on the iOS platform. In November, WhatsApp had launched video calling functionality for users based in India for Android, iOS, and Windows platforms. You will be able to interact with people around the world just like Google Hangout.
With WhatsApp, you can restore old messages every if you are migrating from old phone to a new handset. You will be able to backup data on Google’s cloud storage named Google Drive.
In addition to Google Drive, you can also capture a backup of all messages in an SD card before migration from one phone to another. You can also integrate font styles such as bold, italics and strikethrough with your messages. However, this step is pretty complicated. For example, if you need to bold a word, you need to put asterisks on both sides. If you put underscore symbol on both sides, the word will become italics.
According to estimates, nearly 160 million users in India make effective use of WhatsApp in India with 100 million calls passing through the system daily. The mobile messaging platform is available in more than 50 languages including 10 Indian languages.