The Facebook-owned messaging service WhatsApp in a blog post on Friday mentioned the service now has 800 million active users every month. It was acquired by social networking giant- Facebook for a whooping amount of $ 19 billion in a deal signed last october. Since then, WhatsApp has witnessed an upward trend in its popularity and consistent growth over the last few months: The 800 million user milestone is up from 700 million in January and 600 million last August.
WhatsApp Hits 800 Monthly Active Users Mark
In such a short period (a span of over 4 months), the messaging service has achieved a big milestone and managed to add another 100 million monthly active users. These figures definitely make WhatsApp one of the largest social services around.
How the app functions? Well, it lets you send text messages over the Internet for free, bypassing a phone carrier’s charging for text messages. Messenger app WhatsApp now has 800 million monthly active users, wrote founder Jan Koum in a Facebook post.
The question that arises here is what’s the difference between registered users and monthly active users? Koum rightly pointed it in his post. He aimed to illuminate this idea with a lucid explanation – WhatsApp has 800 million users who are active on the platform each month. It means that the number of registered users, the ones who might have downloaded WhatsApp on an older number is probably much higher.
He further added, the difference between registered users, the ones who sign up but might not necessarily use the service, and monthly active users is an important one because it gives a sense of user engagement on that service. In WhatsApp’s case that’s 800 million currently.