Home News WhatsApp and Facebook ranks as top popular social networking apps in India

WhatsApp and Facebook ranks as top popular social networking apps in India

WhatsApp and Facebook

‘Connected Life’ is a global study report by global research consultancy firm TNS, involving the digital attitude and behaviour of 60,500 internet users spread across 50 countries. It found that 55% were on instant messaging every day. According to its survey, Facebook remains one of the most popular social networking sites and has 51% of its users logging in daily. The instant messaging segment is monopolized by WhatsApp.

According to the study, Facebook has maintained its lead as the number one social platform with one-third of Global Web users saying that they use the app every day. The reach of the app is even higher in the Asia Pacific region.

Indian Facebook usage stands at 51% that is much lower in comparison to other countries like Thailand, Taiwan and Hong Kong all have usage above 70%.

Notwithstanding this fact, India remains the second largest base for Facebook with 125 million users that have 1.49 billion users globally.

In the instant messaging category, the country has always been a heavy text market. Instant messaging is becoming very attractive for like-minded people to get connected to one another.

TNS India Executive Director said that Facebook dominates the social networking market. It has made the adoption of its messenger service, Facebook Messenger much easier. Still, WhatsApp remains the most popular IM service in India.

India has a burgeoning mobile internet user and this has made India having the highest average globally for a daily number of messages exchanged.

In the APAC region, 61% of internet users use instant messaging every day. 81% are doing it on a weekly basis. The popularity of IM has soared with a rise of 12% daily in new users who use these services globally.

More and more users are opting for closed messaging platforms such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and WeChat