Home News What to expect from the upcoming iOS 11 update

What to expect from the upcoming iOS 11 update

iOS 11

Apple is expected to annouce the upcomig iOS 11 update next month during its annual WWDC event. The company has started sending out media invites to its June 5 event that would again be held at the McEnery Convention Center in San Jose.

Unfortunately, there is precious little that we know of the next iteration of Apple’s mobile OS so far. However, that again is not stopping the rumor mill from making some smart guesses. Based on those, here is what the new aspects of iOS 11 are likely to be.

iOS 11 to feature  improved battery mangement features, FaceTime Audio, and more

According to Reddit user Cyanhat, the new iOS 11 could have elements of the Workflow app built into it. Now, this makes all the more sense as Apple recently acquired the organizer app Workflow.

In fact, key elements of the app are believed to be integrated into macOS 10.13 as well. That again, will be pulled off by developing a new Automator app having features of Workflow. The same source also claimed the new Automator app will benefit from deep Siri integration as well. The benefits will be obvious, as you just have to tell the app what needs to be done.

Bresides, there also is the talk of a new power saving mode that should feature in the upcoming iOS 11 update. The same will act to conserve power in your mobile devices once the battery goes below 20 percent.

Meanwhile, Cyanhat further revealed in one of his previous leaks that the Wallet app is set for a thorough makeover. Post that, the app will have social features built into it. Similarly, iMessage too will be enhanced to allow for monetary transactions.

Cyanhat also suggests that Apple will make FaceTime Audio the default mode of calling among iPhone users in iOS 11. Just like how Apple replaced SMS with iMessage several years back. Besides, the fact that FaceTime Audio uses LTE, we get a significantly enhanced calling experience compared to standard calling.

Apple’s World Wide Developer’s Conference happens to be the biggest platform for the developers to interact with the folks behind the company’s operating systems. As such, expect updates for Apple’s tvOS, watchOS, and macOS to be announced during the event.

A few hardware announcements too cannot be ruled out as well. Apple has used the event in the past for such acts and this year, it is touted to launch a new Siri-powered speaker. The said speaker will be aimed at the segment currently dominated by the Amazon Alexa. Apple, however, has stated that unlike Amazon, their new Siri speaker will be targeted at the premium segment.

As we get closer to WWDC, more leaks and rumors about the upcoming iOS 11 are expected to emerge in the new future. Till then, keep checking this space for more.