Home News Viber Adds Chat Folders for Enhanced Organization

Viber Adds Chat Folders for Enhanced Organization

Viber Adds Chat Folders for Enhanced Organization

Viber, the popular messaging app, has introduced a new feature designed to help users better organize their conversations. The app now supports chat folders, allowing users to customize how their chats are displayed for a more streamlined experience.

Key Highlights

  • Create up to five folders to categorize your Viber conversations.
  • Flexible organization to suit your needs – group chats by friends, family, work, hobbies, or any other way you choose.
  • Easy access with folders displayed as tabs at the top of your chats list.
  • Improved focus by filtering out distractions and viewing only the chats you want.

Viber Adds Chat Folders for Enhanced Organization

How to Use Viber’s Chat Folders

To get started with Viber’s chat folders, follow these simple steps:

  1. Ensure you have the latest version of Viber installed.
  2. Open the app and navigate to the “More” tab.
  3. Select “Manage folders.”
  4. Tap the “New Folder” option.
  5. Give your folder a descriptive name and hit “Next” (iOS) or the arrow icon (Android).
  6. Choose which chats you’d like to include in the folder.
  7. Tap “Done.”

You can add chats to existing folders at any time by long-pressing on the chat (Android) or swiping left (iOS), tapping “Folder,” and selecting where you want to place it.

Improving Efficiency in Digital Communication

The addition of folders on Viber is a welcome change for users who manage a high volume of chats. This feature provides a more structured way to keep conversations organized, reducing the time needed to find specific messages and generally enhancing the user experience.

“We’re always looking for ways to help our users stay connected in the most convenient way possible,” said Ofir Eyal, CEO of Rakuten Viber. “With folders, users can easily manage their conversations by grouping them the way they like. This adds a new layer of control and helps to simplify a sometimes overwhelming flood of digital messages.”

A Solution to Messaging Overload

For those juggling multiple groups, conversations, and topics in Viber, folders offer a helpful way to structure all that communication. This feature can save time and streamline the way you interact on the app, especially for those with busy digital lives.

“Sometimes our chats can feel like a whirlwind of activity,” said Ofir Eyal, CEO of Rakuten Viber. “Folders let our users impose some order on that chaos, so they can focus on the conversations that matter most at any given moment.”

Why the Rollout Matters

Viber’s chat folders address a common pain point for users who find themselves overwhelmed by a long, unorganized list of chats. The ability to categorize conversations will bring a much-needed sense of clarity to the app.

“We understand that our users’ messaging needs are diverse,” said Ofir Eyal, CEO of Rakuten Viber. “With this global rollout of folders, we hope to empower greater personalization and easier management for everyone who relies on Viber.”


Viber’s chat folder feature is currently rolling out globally to both Android and iOS users, and will be available in the latest version of the app.