Home News Upskilling with AI: 5 Free Courses on LinkedIn to Master Generative AI

Upskilling with AI: 5 Free Courses on LinkedIn to Master Generative AI

Generative AI is a rapidly growing field of artificial intelligence that has the potential to revolutionize many industries. From creating new forms of art and entertainment to developing innovative products and services, generative AI is already having a major impact on the world.

Key highlights:

  • Generative AI is a powerful new technology that can be used to create new forms of art, entertainment, products, and services.
  • LinkedIn Learning offers a number of free courses on generative AI that can help you upskill and learn more about this rapidly growing field.
  • These courses cover a wide range of topics, from the basics of generative AI to how to use it for specific tasks.
  • They are all taught by experienced instructors and are designed to be accessible to learners of all levels of experience.


If you’re interested in upskilling with AI and learning more about generative AI, experienced instructors Learning offers a number of free courses that can help you get started. Here are five of the best:

  • What is Generative AI? by Pinar Seyhan Demirdag
  • Generative AI for Business Leaders by Tomer Cohen
  • Introduction to Prompt Engineering for Generative AI by Ronnie Sheer
  • Get Ready for Generative AI by Ashley Kennedy
  • How to Research and Write Using Generative AI Tools by Dave Birss

These courses cover a wide range of topics, from the basics of generative AI to how to use it for specific tasks such as generating text, images, and code. They are all taught by experienced instructors and are designed to be accessible to learners of all levels of experience.

What is Generative AI?

Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence that can create new content, such as text, images, and music. It does this by learning from existing data and then using that knowledge to generate new content that is similar to the data it was trained on.

Generative AI has a wide range of potential applications. For example, it can be used to:

  • Create new forms of art and entertainment
  • Develop innovative products and services
  • Generate realistic synthetic data for training other AI models
  • Automate tasks such as writing and coding

5 Free Courses on LinkedIn to Master Generative AI:

Here are five free courses on LinkedIn Learning that can help you master generative AI:

  • What is Generative AI? by Pinar Seyhan Demirdag: This course provides a comprehensive overview of generative AI, covering its history, key concepts, and applications.
  • Generative AI for Business Leaders by Tomer Cohen: This course is designed for business leaders who want to learn more about generative AI and how it can be used to transform their businesses.
  • Introduction to Prompt Engineering for Generative AI by Ronnie Sheer: This course teaches you how to use prompt engineering to get the most out of generative AI models.
  • Get Ready for Generative AI by Ashley Kennedy: This course provides a hands-on introduction to generative AI, with a focus on using it to generate text and images.

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