Twitter rolls out ‘Mute’ feature to weed out unwanted tweets


Amid varying speculations, Twitter rolled out much awaited ‘Mute’ feature for Twitteratis. The feature is intended to weed out persons annoying you for quite some time.

Considered as a step below unfollowing someone, mute feature lets you tune your tweets by allowing you to blank out a tweet/tweets from a person who you want to unfollow.

Twitter rolls out ‘Mute’ feature to weed out unwanted tweets from your Twitter timeline

Muting a person won’t lead to you ‘unfollowing’ them. However, their updates will be stalled from polluting your Twitter timeline. Good part is if you do choose to mute someone, they won’t be notified about it.

However, even if you choose to mute an annoying person on your feed, he or she could still favor, reply to and retweet your own messages.

You will just have the liberty to not allow any of his activity to be seen in your own home feed. So, muting is not the same as blocking.

To use the feature, Twitter users can either choose the “More” option from a tweet and select the option to mute that particular user or turn on the option from the profile page of the person you’d like to ignore by hitting the gear icon when you’re on their page.

“Today we’re beginning to introduce a new account feature called mute to people who use our iPhone and Android apps and Mute gives you even more control over the content you see on Twitter by letting you remove a user’s content from key parts of your Twitter experience,” Twitter says in a blog post.

Twitter has officially announced the feature for iOS, Android. It plans to roll out the feature for others in the coming months. Meanwhile it outlines, to mute a user from a Tweet on your iOS or Android device or on Twitter for web.

All you need to do is tap “more” and then mute @username. To mute someone from his/her profile page, tap the gear icon on the page and choose mute @username.

Not very surprisingly, this feature is similar to Facebook’s ‘Stop Notifications’ feature, which has been available for quite some time now. Twitter seems to be adopting Social Media giant’s techniques to form a better Twitter.


About the author


Nitika Munshi

Nitika is an MCA graduate and works as an all-around news writer at PC-Tablet. In free time, she works on Photoshop and plays GTA V on her Xbox. A tech-enthusiast at heart, she explores ways that businesses can leverage the Internet and move their businesses to the next level.

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