Home News TRAI launches Android app for feedback on telecom service quality

TRAI launches Android app for feedback on telecom service quality

Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) is making an Android application that will allow mobile phone subscribers to rate the quality of services provided by their operators. Sources said that TRAI will use these feedback to penalize mobile phone operators currently conducting business in India if they fail to meet the minimum quality of service.

TRAI sets a minimum service requirement for every mobile phone operator that is currently active in the country. But there really was no effective medium for the body to know and judge the true service that customers are getting from the operators.

To make sure that mobile phone operators provide adequate customer service and to give subscribers a way to give feedback to the authority about the quality of service they are getting, TRAI is to launch this web-based and Android-based application.

TRAI Secretary Sudhir Gupta said in a statement, “Considering the growing penetration of Internet and smart phones, TRAI has introduced a Web-based application as well as an Android-based app for assessing customer perception of cellular services.”

According to the regulations, if mobile phone operator fails to meet the minimum quality of service set by TRAI, the body can impose penalty of up to Rs. 50,000 which can double if the operator repeats the failure.

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