Home News The Studio Store from will let SMBs to start again in...

The Studio Store from will let SMBs to start again in a post-Covid 19 scenario, a software development platform that does not require you to have any coding experience today announced the launch of ‘The Studio Store’ – a collection of pre-packaged apps aimed to make business to be back online faster than perhaps envisaged. The company said they are starting with e-commerce and delivery apps to start with and will allow businesses to be back at just a fraction of the cost and time it would otherwise have taken if coded from scratch.

Such efforts no doubt can be a boon for the small and medium businesses that has seen their sales plummet to almost zero post the Covid 19 outbreak. Such firms will find it easy to develop e-commerce and delivery apps easily and start operations, within say just eight weeks. Best of all, businesses can now make the transition to digital operations even without having absolutely no experience in coding.

Also, as has already been stated, the company is aiming to develop e-commerce and delivery apps initially. This will make it easy for the businesses to connect with the mobile savvy buyers instantly. Such apps will have all the features that is reminiscent of e-commerce sites, which includes a carousel for the companies to showcase their wares. Then there is going to be a wide range of payment options too for ease in making a payment.

There is going to be sales support provided to keep the app running smoothly. The entire operation again would be cloud hosted which will make it easy to run the app as well as scale the operations according to market conditions. The delivery app again will see the integration of payment options and in-app notification. FedEx too is going to in the loop to handle the delivery aspect of the business. Also of course business will always have the option to customize their apps with features from the Builder Studio.

Sachin Dev Duggal, co-founder and CEO of said they are offering live services for free for the first three months. The offer will remain available for the next three months and is specifically aimed at the SMBs that have had the biggest impact post the Covid 19 outbreak.

The Studio Store is otherwise priced $500 per month. Further, you have to make a one-time deposit with though there won’t be any transaction fees, or a cut of sales charged for every sale made via the app. You will also have a copy of all the code after 24 months. The Studio Store though is currently available in only English speaking countries across the world at the moment.

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