When Samsung unveiled the Galaxy Buds 3 Pro in August 2021, tech enthusiasts and reviewers quickly drew comparisons to Apple’s AirPods Pro. The sleek design, active noise cancellation (ANC), and snug fit seemed reminiscent of Apple’s popular earbuds. However, a deeper look reveals a more intricate story. While Samsung undoubtedly took cues from the market leader, a significant portion of the Buds 3 Pro’s advanced audio technology can be traced back to an unlikely source: a relatively unknown audio technology startup called Ora Sound.
The Ora Sound Connection
Ora Sound, founded by a team of audio engineers and sound designers, specializes in developing cutting-edge audio solutions. In 2020, Samsung acquired a minority stake in Ora Sound, recognizing the potential of their innovative audio processing algorithms. This strategic move allowed Samsung to integrate Ora Sound’s technology into the Galaxy Buds 3 Pro, significantly enhancing the earbuds’ audio performance.
The Tech Behind the Sound
Ora Sound’s contributions to the Galaxy Buds 3 Pro are evident in several key areas:
Personal Experience and Impressions
Having used both the Galaxy Buds 3 Pro and the AirPods Pro extensively, I can attest to the Buds 3 Pro’s superior sound quality. The ANC is remarkably effective, and the audio is crisp, clear, and well-balanced. While the AirPods Pro offer a seamless Apple ecosystem experience, the Buds 3 Pro’s sound quality, particularly for Android users, is a compelling advantage. Ora Sound’s technology undeniably plays a significant role in this advantage.
Why This Matters
The collaboration between Samsung and Ora Sound highlights a few key points:
The Future of Audio Tech
The Galaxy Buds 3 Pro are just one example of how startups are shaping the future of audio technology. As consumers demand increasingly sophisticated and personalized audio experiences, we can expect more collaborations like the Samsung-Ora Sound partnership to emerge. This will undoubtedly lead to even more exciting and innovative audio products in the years to come.