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Scientists have discovered space dusts in white cliffs of Dover

Scientists have successfully found out space dust in the white cliffs of Dover and indicated that this discovery of space dust might provide clues...

Climate Change might remove a third of parasite species, study says

A recent comprehensive study has revealed that climate change could lead to the extinction of a third of all parasite species from Earth. We have...

Pluto’s important surface features named after yesteryear’s pioneers

For many years, Pluto was considered as a tiny planet and was discussed only when the Solar system was studied. Many years later, Pluto...

Scientists have discovered that Mars was habitable before

In a recent discovery, scientists have found out that life existed on Mars many many years ago by shocking evidence that they detected on...

SpaceX all set to launch the secret spy plane mission

The current mission of Elon Musk's rocket company SpaceX to launch the spy craft has been forecasted cloudy both regarding weather as well as...

How to get the splendid view of the Solar Storm on Wednesday night

If you have missed the experience of watching the Total Solar Eclipse that occurred recently then, do not worry. Because, you will get another...

The elegance and mystery of Saturn rings revealed through Cassini Mission

We know how beautiful and elegant the rings of Saturn are. And researchers are always searching for what those interesting rings have in them...

SpaceX successfully completed first-stage testing of world’s most powerful rocket

SpaceX, an American aerospace manufacturer, and space transport services company, has completed testing of all the three first stage cores of its new heavy-lift...
Black hole

Gigantic Black hole detected at the center of Milky Way Galaxy

A monstrous black hole has been discovered by the scientists approximately at the center of the Milky Way which is said to be hiding...

After a record-breaking space mission, astronaut Peggy Whitson safely returns to earth

It was a great day for NASA as well as U.S. because their record breaking astronaut Peggy Whitson returned to earth safely and successfully...

After 38 years of Pioneer11, Spacecraft Cassini enters into its final two weeks

38 years ago, exactly on this day the Pioneer 11 became the first ever spacecraft to enter the orbits of planet Saturn. And now...

A humongous Asteroid zooms past Earth in a close encounter

An asteroid which is believed to be as big as a mountain has cruised past Earth in a record breaking encounter on September one...

10,000 Citizen Scientists Discover Martian Landforms Called ‘Spiders’

A team of experts, including as many as 10, 000 citizen scientists has succeeded in discovering a landfall on the Martian surface, which is...

Ultra-Cool Dwarf TRAPPIST-1 Planet May Be Damped Enough For Hosting Life

By analyzing the data, collected by the Hubble Spacecraft, an international team of scientists has discovered that five Earth-sized planets from TRAPPIST-1 are likely...

From Mars’ Hoary Dunes to Solar Eclipse; 8 Spectacular Images Clicked By NASA

It has never been easier for everyday people to visit space and enjoy the breathtaking celestial views. But thanks to the modern and bravo...
US Military

U.S. Military Launches ‘ORS-5 Satellite’ Atop Minotaur 4 Rocket

Illuminating the night sky with a brilliant splash of fire; an Orbital ATK Minotaur 4 rocket, carrying the surveillance satellite of U.S. Military, the...

NASA Discloses Mission End Activities of Cassini Spacecraft 

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has disclosed the mission end activities and events of its historical Cassini spacecraft, which is running closer...

Taiwan’s Weather-Monitoring Satellite Successfully Make Its Way to Space 

The first locally developed satellite of the small island nation - Taiwan atop a SpaceX built Falcon 9 rocket, was successfully launched into space...
Elon Musk

Elon Musk Uploads First Photo of His SpaceX Spacesuit on Instagram

The billionaire owner of the American aeronautics firm SpaceX has officially posted the first peek of his ambitious Spacesuit which the travelers to Mars...

Debates Rose over Inexplicable Noise in Gravitational Wave Data

The gravitational waves, which have kept scientists and astronomers baffled since years, now once again has sparked debate. The mysterious sound, sourced from the...

Predictions of IISER Identify a Qualitative Match in Image of Sun’s Corona

Though the great American solar eclipse which cast its shadow on 21st August 21 on entire United States continent for the very first time...

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