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Tag: Jupiter

Jupiter Blue Storms

NASA releases new pictures of Jupiter’s storms taken by Juno

In recent months NASA has been frequently releasing some breathtaking pictures of Jupiter and its violent storms taken by its Juno spacecraft. As per...

Two asteroids detected orbiting each other in-between Mars and Jupiter

A team of astronomers has been able to visualize an unusual and intriguing object moving in the asteroid belt present between Mars and Jupiter....

Exoplanet Jupiter WASP-12b reflects no light

Astronomers have discovered that the exoplanet WASP-12b, considered to be a gas giant, does not reflect any light and hence is completely pitch black....

After 38 years of Pioneer11, Spacecraft Cassini enters into its final two weeks

38 years ago, exactly on this day the Pioneer 11 became the first ever spacecraft to enter the orbits of planet Saturn. And now...

Mysteries of Jupiter’s Great Red Spot Revealed

NASA has revealed several mysteries surrounding the stunning Great Red Spot on Jupiter planet in terms of how long it has been in existence...

NASA Releases Juno’s Enhanced-Color Pictures Of Great Red Spot On Jupiter

NASA has officially released today the enhanced-colour photos of Jupiter’s Great Red Spot that were captured by Juno spacecraft. Juno’s recent flyby over Jupiter...

Jupiter’s Great Red Spot First Images Released

NASA’s Juno Spacecraft has accomplished its mission of flying over the Great Red Spot on Jupiter planet. The spacecraft has collected intimate science that...

When To View Juno’s Images Of Historic Jupiter’s Great Red Spot

NASA’s Juno spacecraft is on a mission to unveil the inner happenings of the Jupiter’s planet. The spacecraft was flown above the Great Red...

NASA Unveils Spectacular Images of Jupiter’s “Great Red Spot”

NASA has disclosed an unbelievable view of Jupiter’s ‘Great Red Spot’ through the data that was sent by the Juno probe. The great red...

NASA Juno reaches apojove, farthest point in Jupiter’s orbit

NASA's Juno spacecraft is about to reach the farthest point in its orbit of Jupiter on Sunday, after five years of being launched to...
Juno spacecraft to reach Jupiter on July 4

NASA’s Juno spacecraft successfully enters Jupiter’s orbit: Things you should know

A group of scientists at National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Jet Propulsion Lab in Pasadena have done the unbelievable by creating a spacecraft...
Juno spacecraft to reach Jupiter on July 4

NASA’s Juno spacecraft will reach Jupiter on July 4 and decode its hidden secrets

National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) solar powered spacecraft Juno will do something that has never been done before in the history of science....
three star planet binary jupiter

Scientists discover rare triple-star system with new planet using KELT

The binary system which all along assumed to be a typical single star or even a pair is a triple-star system according to Researchers...
NASA NeoShield program

NASA formalised Planetary Defense Coordination Office (PDCO) to find and track Near-Earth objects

The European Union sponsored a program called NEOShield, which is developing methods of using nuclear weapons to deflect rogue asteroids that will one day...
NASA Jupiter probe Juno

Juno: NASA Jupiter spacecraft sets new record travels 793 kilometers

NASA's Juno mission to Jupiter has broken the record today to become mankind's most distant solar-powered spacecraft. The milestone occurred, when the probe was...

Astronomers discover infant version of Jupiter 100 light years away from Earth

Chile: Astronomers have discovered an exoplanet, named 51 Eridani b, not more than 100 light years away from earth. The find was made by...
Venus Jupiter and Moon

The Moon, Venus, and Jupiter will inline in rare divine three-in-one meeting tomorrow

The Moon, Venus, and Jupiter are the second, third and the fourth brightest heavenly bodies after the Sun. The three celestial bodies will be...

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